Home StreamLight Which Weapon Light Is Best For You? Streamlight VS Surefire!

Which Weapon Light Is Best For You? Streamlight VS Surefire!


There are alot of great options when it comes to weapon lights, Which one is right for you?

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Running a weapon light on a defensive firearm is a must! Personally i run a weapon light on every firearm i own that is or could be used in a self defense type role. There are many different options at many different price points so do your research and figure out what will work best for you!

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  1. I went with the TLR-1 HL for my S&W M&P9 Compact 2.0 and have been more than pleased with it every since. 800 lumens for a good price at least compare to surefire is great. Surefire handgun lights don't even go to 800 lumens yet cost sooo much. I don't get it. I'm the type of guy that wants the brightest light I can possibly have on my weapon. Hell I'd have the sun on my gun if I could haha.

  2. I know it off topic, but is there a particular reason why everyone has to know the gun is unloaded?

    Not trying to sound like a douche, but I see people in videos do this and it has me wonder if there's a legal reason behind it or something. I understand if it's a stress towards demonstrating safety.

  3. I have analysed the pros and cons of streamlight against surefire a hundred times over the last 5-10 years….I own and use both brands but in my opinion Streamlight is the better choice. They are cheaper, in my opinion comparable in quality and with respect to the TLR HL and X300 far out perform the surefire light for a fraction of the cost.

  4. I have a x300 ultra and tlr1hl 800 lumen model and I believe my Olight pl2 valkryie 1200 lumen is a better light at a cheaper price. My opinion isn't the same as everyone else's though… I just ordered my 2nd Olight on black Friday for only $60! wish I bought another for one of my rifles as well

  5. Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys Guys

  6. Its amazing how anything involving firearms is upcharged by like a 1000%…why does a flashlight for your gun cost $200 lmao…i get you cant put a price on your safety, but seriously for a fucking beam of light that attaches to your gun? That is absurd! Same thing can be said about holsters.

  7. Lights are very important on home defense guns…as is a strobe function. If I'm in a dark house with an intruder, they're going to find themselves on the bad end of a firearm looking at a blinding strobe. The function of a weapons light is to identify your target and (temporarily) blind them. Do you know any weapons lights that provide the capability to go straight to strobe instead of having to cycle through one or more light options?

  8. I was at the range with a buddy of mine who was running an X300U on his G19. Well half a mag in the light popped off because of how loose it was. I don’t know if I trust this light on a G19.

  9. I'm not a huge fan of the streamlights because they are so easy to activate. However their price is right.
    Personally, I'm a surefire person but I don't find myself working down their product line because of their cost

  10. In my state, if you point a pistol light at someone that is attached, you are committing a felony (aggravated assault) by pointing a gun at them. You better be justified or it's jail time and good bye gun rig. But, thank you for the video, well done. A light can prevent a tragedy for sure, I'll hold mine in my other hand.

  11. Momentary is just push in on the Surefire x300 ….. he must not know that 'cause he pushes down a bit on the switch for momentary and never suggests that all you need to do is push in on it.

  12. I see no benefit to a light on a gun unless it is bright enough to blind an assailant. If that assailant is also armed your light makes an excellent target even if it is blinding. A laser makes more sense as you will be on target before the assailant can get you in his/her sights.

    Of course if the subject is running away they make sense but is shooting someone in the back an option when it may not be who you are looking for?

  13. Theres no reason for surefire to increase the length from the old x200/x300 series. Streamlight was able to build a great light with excellent beam and not increase the size from the tlr-1 to the hl series. Idgaf what anyone says or tries to get all science/techy on it. I like that they are made here but 260 is just too much. They need to be 200-210 tops

  14. I run the streamlight tlr-hl(800 lumens) on pistols and the sure fire x300ub on my ar. The streamlihgts are perfect for the pistols because of the strobe function and the x300ub(600 lumen) is great for rifles because you will theoretically be farther from your target where a strobe will not benefit much. The surrfire also has more candela which is what you want for a tighter hot spot and range. Overall i love both.

  15. Keep on doing what your doing brother! Be safe, have fun, and keep em coming💯‼️‼️👍🏼👍🏼 Ps I also liked your review on your glock 43 I like em honestly and going too pick one up for a bug or just a deep concealment when I'm in gym shorts or etc

  16. GlockGuy226: bro great video/comparison, I was and am in the market for a weapon light for my glock 19, and shield 45 as well as others! And I've always leaned more towards stream light just simply cuz I know people that use and carry them on their person firearms and duty guns! And they love them. Durable, sexy, bright& consistent, and when you get one you know it's good! But thank you so very much for helping me make up my mind!!! I'm the type id rather have a great quality light that's also affordable to where I could purchase 2-3 stream light to one sure fire or Etc.

  17. I know you have a holster company that you are partial too but, as far as XC1 holsters are concerned, one of of my favorite makers XC1 holster actually works for the Glock 19 with or without the light which is cool so you don't have buy two holsters. It wasn't done on purpose, it just worked out that way due to the small size of the XC1. Check into your maker and see if that's how there model is.

  18. Dumbass lol. Use your lights before you make a video. Extensive testing…. not just pros and cons that you can find on the internet. Anyone who owns a surefire for a carry light obviously knows it has momentary. Do your research before videos in the future and by research…. field testing.

  19. Great vid, and nice selection of lights. I really like the XC1 but the price is a little disappointing. I love surefire and don't mind paying a little more, but its almost the same price as the x300 with a lot less lumens.

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