I show the best AR scope mount that I have found and BSA Optics Sweet 223 and Sweet 22 Scopes with bullet weight drop compensation technology.
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Using this scope on the carry handle, isn’t it too high to shoot with it?
The links on your facebook page for the scope mount are dead. I also looked on NCstar for it but got no results, do you know of a place that still sells them?
I agree. BSA Sweet 22 is a decent scope. I have two. NcStar is decent budget gear too. I just ordered my carry handle mount to get the scope lower to the barrel. thanks for bringing this to my attention.
UPDATE: took the rifle to the range last friday with with the scope carry handle mount installed. could not get the Bushnell 4x sport view to zero. when i tried to remove the mount by unscrew the nut the threaded bolt came out with it. so i will be returning it back to the vendor. the one i have is sold by AimSports so you might want to stay cear of that brand.
one more thing that i forgot. if the carry handle is a removeable one then you will not need to put a cheek piece on a A-2 rifle which is what i mounted mine on. the removeable carry handle sits lower on the upper reciever than the carry handles that are cast together with the upper reciever. also if you are using a i" scope you need to put either rosen or tape on the inside of the 1" plastic inserts to keep the scope from turning in the rings.
Ricky Willis you are correct that the bolt obstructs a clear picture when trying to use the matalic sights. i just purchased this mount from DSA arms for $19.00. the two problems with this mount is first the spring tension clip is made from really cheap metal an starts to lose it"s tension after a while and the mount comes loose. to fix this problem i removed the snap ring that holds the nut to the spring put two pieces of duct under thandle and turn the nut upside down. now the nut will stay tight. add locktite if you wish. the second problem is the height of the scope. u using my bushnell scope spud type bore scope adjuster after adjusting the elavation i have almost rune out of down adjustment on the elavation turret. will be testing this set-up on friday and hopefully i will only need up elavation to correct the point of aim. we will see
Update: The video stated you can see through the scope mount being able to use your front and rear iron sights. I mounted it on my Bushmaster today and unless I'm missing something you cannot see through the sights due to the mounting screw which sticks through the mounting handle
How far off zero are you if you were to remove the scope after hunting season and put it back on the next year? I wouldnt want a scope on my carry handle full time, its not for tactical weekend shooting.
When it comes to raising the scope higher than the front sight, you don't feel like you need to stretch your neck out to be comfortable to aim?
Very interesting, was looking for info on the carry handle scope mount and the info on those scopes was a bonus for me, thanks.
What brand of carry handle is that?
Good good, thanks for the video and your reply
Your absolutely right, as a general rule NcStar stuff is JUNK but this mount is great I have used it for a few years now and I still love it. The aluminum seems to be very hard and the finish holds up well. What attracted me to it was that it was all one piece mount and rings. For a carry handle mount you would be hard pressed to find a better design. They got it right with this one.
I will be honest with you man, the reason Ncstar as big fat patches on the inside of ALL their scope rings, is because they have poor machining, and would never fit flush with anything made 30 mm or 1 inch , Ncstar is most likely hands down the shittiest product in firearms today, I have had a laser , failed, red dot, totally failed and a dust cover scope mount, witch is a shitty design no matter who makes it. BUT, how has this mount worked out for you? Still working?
For some reason Youtube won't allow links to be posted here but if you go to my Facebook page I'll link a couple there
I must admit I was skeptical when I first got mine and while it's not a tack driver the concept does work. I recently shot a coyote that I estimated to be 300 yards or so I just clicked it to the 300 yard mark and I made a broadside lung shot. He did a back flip and then died. My only complaint is that you have to use weight specific turrets but I understand the new ones you don't have too
Yes, The bottom of the mount is see through
can you still use iron sights with this attachment?
I agree for the money they are nice scopes
Nice vid. I have used the sweet 22 on my ruger 10/22 and like it, so when it came time to buy a scope for my ar I bought the sweet 223. I decided to get more magnification they also offer them in 6-18 x 40. Its not the best scope available but for the money it won't be beat.
Very good point. As you can see I quite a fan of BSA scopes probably because they great scopes for the price and their features in many cases a comparable to scopes costing hundreds of dollars. I'll put together a video on them soon. Thanks for the request
When are you going to do the shooting vids for the scopes
Thanks for the info and I'm a big fan of Burris product's as I have been shooting a Burris scope and rings for years on my Super Redhawk. As far as a carry handle mount I actually tried several ranging in price from $30 to well over a hundered but finally settled on the NcStar one piece mount and rings it is by far the most solid I have seen and I've seen a lot. As for the scope choose what ever you like I just opted for the BSA sweet 223.
I would like to see them do that with all of the sweet scopes. You can still find them very cheap if you shop around a co-worker of mine just orderd one for $39.95 with free shipping.
Since you made this video, BSA's Sweet 22 scope combined all the bullet weights in one turrets and it comes with a sun shade. However the scope is alittle more money. I paid about $100. But I love it. I works great with my Ruger 1022. Enjoyed your video and I'll be subbing.
Thanks for the advice!
I have a video made of me shooting my 222,with superformance bullets, pretty close trajectory to the 223, and the BSA sweet 223 with turrets that i marked out myself, check it out.
Other than your line of sight being raised aprox 3" from the centerline of the bore there's really no issues. If you mount a scope on a flat top receiver you will need to add a riser in order to keep your front sight out of your line of sight. In the past many handle mounts were not very solid but the ones I show in the video are like a rock. But it really all boils down to personal preference if it works for you, use it.
I should also add that I've had friend's scopes mounted to the flat top receiver but I have neck problems so it's uncomfortable to crane my neck looking down the scope so this is the reason why I think a scope mounted to the carry handle would make it more natural for me.
I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to guns so I have a few questions for anybody to answer. I have an AR15 and have only put about 2000 rounds or so through it (-100 yds) and the only accessory I currently have is the detachable UTG carry handle. I wish to become more proficient with it at a longer range but my vision hinders me from doing so without a scope. I've been told I shouldn't mount scopes on carry handles, is there a reason besides the line of sight height increase from the bore axis?