Home AR-15 PSA AR-15 Pistol Upper Receivers : No Tax Stamp Required!

PSA AR-15 Pistol Upper Receivers [Review]: No Tax Stamp Required!


If you’re looking to plink with a compact AR-15 without the hassle of NFA paperwork, you might want to check out Palmetto State Armory’s AR-15 pistol upper receivers!

Paired with a pistol lower receiver and a legal pistol brace, you can skip the waiting line and get a sub-16″ barreled AR-15. It’s no secret that we’re big fans of PSA’s full sized offering, but how do their pistol uppers stack up? Follow along as we cover their popular 8.5″ & 10.5″ pistol uppers for fit, feel, finish, shootability, accuracy, and more!

Check out the full review here with in-depth accuracy tests and more.

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  1. I’ve had my 10.5 for a few months now. Great little gun! Can’t beat the price. The main reason I went with a 10.5 is because I’m running it mostly with a SilencerCo Omega can.

  2. ………Watched some on the other channel, kinda new here so don't "get" the lemons. To me it contradictory message to your positive reviews. I've bought 4 uppers from PSA so far in 5.56 and my first venture into 300 AAC but since I'm using different brand lowers there is sometimes a slight contrast in finish. Fixin that. Saved a good bit on that expensive brace too. I bought at least 10 lowers in preparation for Prez Hillary and just now getting around to building them. Gonna try to build several variations, pistol, carbine and 20 or 24" version. I have a Sig 716 in 308 and as you know it's a gas piston setup and weighs in at over 9lbs buck nekid. So gonna try PSA complete lower and upper. Haven't fired a 308 in pistol length yet but I imagine you can start brush fires with muzzle blast. Maybe you have tested muzzle brakes but I got the 2nd rated brake amongst so called experts for the 308 and almost went deaf while wearing ear plugs AND Peltor gun muffs. That was behind the weapon. If anyone had been beside me……well, you know. Neighbor asked if had a 50 now. "Free muzzle brake to a good home. Used 1 time. Zero recoil." I think ur in Tennessee, a good thing, and maybe why that calm and collected Yankee Marshal loves ya so much. BTW, has he actually ever fired a weapon on his "gun" channel? I'm new to building ARs, used to just turn em in to the armorer…..to get bitched at for not using proper short bursts in full auto. He had never seen action or been in ambush as the ambushee instead of the ambusher. Never been overran but close. Think I like this format better and thanks for more info on PSA. Think I'll stick with em. Some dealers ain't got the message yet that the market is flooded and therefore asking 3 or more times the price for about the same quality. I'm truly afraid folks are letting their guard down and not stocking up on ammo and weapons just because Obama and Hillary ain't scaring them. Dark days still ahead. Sorry for long, long comment. May not be here much longer so got some stuff to share. Yeah, I know, write a book. Be 10,000 pages plus pictures and nobody would believe it. Shocker. L8r.

  3. Johnny, I love my PSA 10.5 and have had nothing but 100% reliability from it. I was a bit scared to go any shorter but it sounds like the 8.5 runs well.
    Thanks for the video!

  4. Having built out several PSA's in 7.5" and 10.5" I prefer the 10.5" barrel versions. A wee bit more accurate and a little better balance at least for me. Just got in a 10.5" Magpul kit from PSA in 10.5" that I will build out this week as a new Car gun. Replacing a PSA 7.5" that probably will get converted to 300 Blackout with 8.5" barrel length.. Waiting on a couple form 1's for SBR's and this is one that is a braced pistol till papers and stamps come in.

  5. 1:36 “both barrels are unlined.” Sooo what’s your take on the longevity? If the barrels are not lined (using an industry “standard” of some sort) won’t that affect longevity? About how many rounds should I expect an unlined barrel to last? Thanks Johnny! Keep up the great work! Seriously considering PSA 300 BLK pistol upper; this 5.56 review is very helpful for comparison.

  6. Nice mellow review! Had humor, had detailed video, had good sound and music editing, and had good objective commentary. Watch out tactical toolbox, Johnny’s upping his game!

  7. I love it Johnny!!!! I've been debating the 8.5 inch one vs the psa marauder because it looks rad. Any imput? I think the other will help with forward blast but not sure

  8. Consistent ejection is a sign of a good tune in a build. In my experience with AR pistols; one that has a consistent ejection pattern from the factory without spending $$$$$ or swapping parts to get there is a plus in my book. Most AR pistol especially low cost ones tend to be over gassed. I had a buddy get a budget Anderson build and he put a can on it. The whole system eventually blew itself apart. The buffer couldn't handle how fast the BCG was coming back and the amount of gas blown back made it no fun to shoot. He ended up getting a heavy buffer/spring combo and an adjustable gas block, but it still spit brass all over the place, but it wasn't twenty yards away anymore. If PSA continues to put out quality like that… I think there is a 6.5 Grendel build in my future!

  9. The video said 8.5 inch barrel but 7.5 in the description. I was wandering because it looks like anything shorter than was in the video would seem too short.

  10. Radiant Weapons charging handle is by far my favorite!! Ejection question, I need to research that some more. I know you can tell a lot about what direction they go, but I don’t know what that “a lot” is haha! Great video

  11. Love me some PSA !!!! But Johnny I’m disappointed. I requested peaches for measuring on your last review. I’ll let you slide this time. Use peanuts for measuring shot groups. We love you here in Georgia and my wife thinks you’re funny. Only gun videos she’ll watch with me.

  12. Poo Poo tacticrapcicle, ar pistola` should be in .300 black out with a ~12 inch barrel and 1/7 twist… but does PSA offer anything like that? No, thus I am renewing my membership to the gun snob PSA haters club. This video is exactly 7.18 rotten tomatoes long….

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