Can an AR-22 even be “melted?” Let’s throw a KGMade Swarm 22 suppressor in the mix just for fun and find out.
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I think it will run for 2200 rounds before it melts down.
Call me crazy but did I see that thing shoot two rounds after he removed the magazine and pulled the trigger?
Those drums are $60-80 each…jesus
I am a ruger 10/22 fan and I will admit, mine , which I have had for two years and only put about 200 rounds through is much more unreliable than that.
Side charging 300blk subsonic faxon barrel 4150 6" or 9" with energetic armament vox suppressor
Banshee 5" or 8" 5.7 subs supersonic energetic armament nyx mod 2 suppressor
How can I get a custom firing pin like the one used in this test? The ones from CMMG keep breaking on me.
Itslike trying to kill a terminator or juggernaut
This thing should be called the evil woodpecker
Archeologists 1000 years later “there must have been a massive war here”
And people say .22lr is worthless. I know I wouldn't want to be on the recieving end.
Great video !
So cute loook like a baby ar15
10/22's are an AMAZING rifle, just dont shoot it
It is a laboratory and you're a grown dexter..lol
Try to meltdown a mp7 or g36
watch this in 2x speed it is hilarious
Looks like an airsoft gun haha but nice vid anyway
I love 22's
You would think that southern guys with guns would be mean and very, very profane. But now I can come to realize that they are nice and have class.
Yea 22 can still kill but then again are weak but if you have 30 Hittin ya it’s over
you obviously know it will make 1300 rounds
I'd buy one of those stronger firing pins if your machinist sold them. It's hard to find upgrade parts for the cmmg bolt.
Do ak 103 and ak 203 meltdown
The minigun from the original Predator movie backpack ordered but all the 22 caliber is it a possibility
Cool t-shirt
Legend has it, they only spent $9.75 on ammo
Good 6 min fire fight
Do a 10/22 full auto meltdown
I once got chased by a nest of angry honeybees this is whut it souded like
That 22 full auto runs better than I've ever seen.
Next 93r meltdown! Ya right would be a sin punishable by death lol. Especially the the titanium version which of which only one exists
900-1100. I once had a ruger mk111 converted to full auto and was like 2200rpm. I still have it but now its highly modified with a suppressor. I only can shoot it when i go my cabin in Wisconsin
22lr nasty ammo
Got a clean it bro
I REALLY want to see a DRACOS barrel meltdown!!!!!!! Pleeeeeease!
"Its like a wood pecker"
That's actually a good home defence weapon