Home AR-15 MagnetoSpeed Sporter Chronograph Unboxing, Overview, Shooting with the AR-15

MagnetoSpeed Sporter Chronograph Unboxing, Overview, Shooting with the AR-15


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Looking for a chronograph that works in all lighting conditions that won’t drain your wallet? In this video I give you a start-to-finish look at the MagnetoSpeed Sporter electromagnetic bayonet-style chronograph including using it with my custom-build Rainier Arms AR-15.

Check out the MagnetoSpeed Sporter here:
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  1. I have had success with my sporter and a 40mm diameter moderator/silencer. I just set sensitiviy to HI2 and it reads the bullets just as good. But you need to make it REG again if you are not using silencer.

    There is also ways to extend the sensor range with magnets, just put them on the bajonet where the integrated magnets are and the field will be expanded. But tried this first, and it worked (with hi2) but as you might expect, the magnets got shot off and it still worked.

  2. Got the sporter for Christmas. New to reloading, so my question is how do I apply the data from the magnetospeed to improve my reloading for accuracy etc ? Thanks for the video and appreciate any info .

  3. I bought a MagnetoSpeed Sporter a while back, love it but the carrying case is very flimsy and very tight to fit the components so I took one of my hard plastic pistol cases (Springfield XDm in my case) and cut some foam to fit with each component of the MagnetoSpeed trimmed and cut just as you would with a gun in a Pelican case. Makes for a perfect carrying case for the range and easily stows in my home.

  4. Just a moment of genius (or just stupid) idea… what about having someone to build a suppressor with an integrated magnetospeed. We could leave it on, without any risk to break it, and have a complete log of absolutely all shots. Make it connected to kestrel/smartphone via some bluetooth LINK system and you can have a constant exact update of your ballistics.

  5. Nice review. I am pleased with mine but I think the way it attaches to the barrel needs a little tweaking. I find with heavy recoil rifles it loosens up after a few shots. How do you like your softopper on your truck?

  6. Like all of your videos. Very informative. I'm looking for a little guidance. I have a Ruger Precision Rifle 6.5 Creedmoor. I'm looking for a muzzle break. Any suggestions?

  7. Great video! I'm very interested to see how this measures up to the V3, if it's worth almost double the cost. I also looked at the LabRadar unit, but you're looking in the $550 range there! Maybe a buy once cry once scenario?

  8. Can you use that a a varmint size barrel? I know the more expensive version suppose to except all sizes but didn't know if you sporter version would work on precision rifle or target barrels. The prices is great on this model!

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