Home AR-15 Budget AR-15 370 Dollars: Bear Creek Arsenal

Budget AR-15 370 Dollars: Bear Creek Arsenal


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  1. I've looked at the BCA online but have never fired one. I'm pretty sold on PSA (Palmetto State Armory) and usually get my stuff there except for the stripped lowers, which I get on sale various places (usually Anderson).  I thoroughly check kit components out before using. I often upgrade some of the moving parts, especially BCG, with better quality during the break in process if needed.  Even then, I can usually end up with less than 500 bucks in the rifle including a decent optic. Average guys can save big this way and still end up with a pretty solid/dependable rifle.

  2. Good to see you back. I have 2 BCA carbines purchased from classic. I wasn't expecting perfection fortunately . One will not consistently lock the bolt back on the last shot (tried brrownells, PSA mags, pmags, and c products mags). Also changed outnthr bolt catch/release problem persists. Second one had issues with the trigger not releasing during dry fire, beleive this problem hs been resolved. Otherwise functioning has been good. Uppers both seem solid except for 4140 barrels as opposed to 4150.

  3. Hope they hava contest 4 some !! Poorer than Joe dirt twice DAV ! Saved up $225. toward a high point carbine but 4 that price maybe my Dream gun a AR?! TY4 video sub'd today also

  4. I haven't finished a video yet, still watching it but, I agree with you 100%. Every American who can should no, needs, to own an AR-15. It is indeed the modern day American musket; and my friends, the Redcoats are coming…🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. I would like to know which fixed sight set that is incidentally. – UPDATE: I found out checking my dealer accounts.. They're UTG fixed ssights whch is a good option for inexpensive basic sights. That sight set online will cost about 50 bucks.

  6. Actually, you should get 1 MOA at 100 yards with it. Bear Creek guarantees their barrels to hold that with proper shooting technique. For a basic low cost rifle, they do make a good product. I use a lot of their barrels. A couple things to note: The barrels on the lowest cost rifles are their parkerized barrels.. those will be good for somewhere between 5000 and 10000 rounds depending on ammo. using the Russian steel case bimetal bullet ammo will wear the barrel faster (it'll wear any barrel faster). But, it is cheap too. So, as was pointed out, most people won't average more than 500 rounds a year -that's 10 YEARS of barrel life minimum. There really isn't any need to change the muzzle device. The basic A2 flash hider actually does quite a good job at reducing flash. For a budget rifle, $370 is a super price and it's definitely worth gettingone just to have it. I haven't done anything with Tapco mags but, you can get a few P-mags for it cheap enough anyway.

  7. I only paid $208 for my BCA
    .450 Bushmaster complete upper. Works great. I also bought a BCA .300 blackout complete upper for $179. Dealers in my area wont even buy ars take any on trade. Market is completely saturated. Great time to buy or build

  8. the rail not being level with the upper is honestly not that big of a deal in my mind, mounting optics to the fore end is never a good idea unless the upper is monolithic

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