Full review of the new Caracal 814 A2 300 Blackout AR-15 pistol with some accuracy testing, in depth discussion on its features, and what I think of it overall.
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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound
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Keep it up! Great content
Good video,stupid music
Tacti-sock. New marketing lol.
I built my own 300 BLK pistol mostly from Palmetto parts. Mine is a 10.5" barrel and very accurate to about 100 to 150 yards with a 30 mm Primary Arms red dot . I like the 110 Hornady supersonic. Seems to work well on the coyote pack that occasionally come around.
Why do you think 300 blk out is not as accurate as 223, 308, 6.5 creed? Is it the bullet shape?
Well I am stick with 5.56 and 308.
Better than a SIG
Love your reviews but I'm conflicted. Too much T&E has me wondering about your reputation…
I can’t wait until I can get a direct energy blaster.. You might could get fucked up!
I have that same boonie hat, it’s my sweating my dick off work hat.
Does it matter which ammo you are shooting, so if you are shooting 110grain vs 208 or 220 grain is the 2" grouping better or worse? I would assume that the 110gr rounds would group better moving at a higher velocity vs the 220gr? I would assume if you are target shooting or shooting at longer distances you would go with the 110gr and for suppressed shooting that would most likely be CQB or at least under 200 yards you would use something closer to the 220gr rounds. But I am pretty naive when it comes to 300 black and would like to know more.
Wow, that intro music is pretty bad. I’m going to have to listen to Let Me Clear My Throat to reset my brain.
I have a 300blk 8.5 pistol.. looking to add a suppressors soon. there is no adjustable gas block. will i have to change the buffer or spring?
I like it. Good stuff
This is way better than the cooler review
Mr. Gunsngear: it's about 1.5 to 2 moa.
Me: it really is just expensive 7.62×39
300 blk, I'm content with 2 moa for my purpose and use of the caliber.
That LOP could be a felony
I’ll stick with my PSA 8.5 inch 300 blk pistol. I’ve taken out many a hog with it.
my only commented that I love the video and I am very grateful for the video but I would like to have seen more subsonic rounds tested.
Thinking 556 would have a shitty group with a 7 in barrel as well, just saying.
Dude, that lake is gorgeous. You truly are a lucky man. Morning coffee at sunrise must be soothing.
What’s the song in the beginning?!