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You know I love a Savage, and I have a Nikon on my first Savage. Which I gave to my son for his first rifle. Gotta pass the love along
Awesome rifle! Mini 50 cal!!!
Man, that is a beautiful rifle! Hey, you got yourself a nice mounting stand! Beeping torque wrench was neat too. I mount tires and wheels all day. Looking up torque specs is always a good idea.

No turning those sight dials the wrong way.
Also, you may have to change your screen name to Techi Who now.
I have the 6-24×50 FX-1000, with the Mil-Dot IL reticle. It is an excellent scope and wonderful value for the money. I hope you like yours!
Who-Tee-Who the sniper
Way to much scope unless you found a spot to shoot 500 +, awesome scopes though.
That is a bada$$ rifle. I do have a question though…. Have you ever done a paper plate challenge with a sharps rifle. ??????
Great looking set up. I’m still not sure………do you like it? LOL. You all but melted. You should. Nice!
Happy Easter
Shuwee my dream set up
Love it…
When you are done, just send that one to me
Awesome gun and setup!!! You and your family have a blessed weekend!!!
Nice that's a Sweet set up.
Why different rings than what you put on the Creedmoor?
that red dot tho…
Now it's a shooter… nice setup
Nice set up! I've been debating between the Savage like yours and the Ruger Precision. I like the scope too. I always opt for a non illuminated scope, you know, for the zombie apocalypse or the fall of society when batteries are hard to come by lol. Silly, I know…
Wait.wait.WAIT!!! You dropped another $650 on a Black 1000?!!! MIND BLOWN!!! Ok… Who are you and where's WHO_TEE? Bring him back to Earth , and please don't probe the man. Ok… In the interest of science maybe once. The WHO_TEE we know is cheap. He'd rather break a leg than a $20 bill. This is on the low end a $2k setup. You're not fooling anybody buddy!
VERY SWEET! Now you need to throw one of these on your M99. Great choice of scopes IMO brother. Good stuff!
you need to go find a long range to do a video of this stretching its legs.
Savage Stelth is a not good rifel.
Aspecialy bud stock.
That is gotta be the sickest Savage I ever seen. That scope really brings it out
Great looking gun

Love the 338 got a lot of power. Thanks for the post keep up the good work from Canada