I took my sister Erika to the range for the first time and this is her shooting my Bushmaster XM-15 E2S.
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Nice shooting, Erika! You looked like a Marksman!
marry me ? ♥
She could easily be a 1-woman-army.
My Bushmaster has morphed into looking very similar! Go figure, see what you started! Love Rangetime w/ Cory and Erika!
God zeta'a are fuckin sexy
Cute… young… can handle a rifle… is she single?
Damn nice legs
A chick who is actually using the correct shooting stance, Bravo.
A sorority girl shooting an AR15, nice.
First time at the range, and she actually understands the concept of leaning forward. She's apparently smarter than most first timers.
Wanted to check out the gun responsible for the final head wound to JFK. JFKsmokinggun documentary details what really happened. I was skeptical because no one saw the shot come from the trailing vehicle. Now I know why. There is no gun powder discharge or 'fire spark' emanating from the AR-15. Cool Vid. Thanks
Now she makes videos with cory
Love seeing young ladies getting interested in this sport!! Teach them young to respect the gun!!
Now your sister is one of the most popular gun girls on a gun channel on you tube. Good job.
i'm jelly.
Good stance, I'd want you at my 6 in a zombie apocalypse.
In love !
She seems like a natural. I was expecting a fail video.
I'm not gonna lie, she has perfect form, and whoever taught her, knows their shit. No offence to Erika or any other female shooters here, but normally on these videos, the chick is just holding the gun and standing completely wrong, and it can end up hurting someone. But her shooting form is just right for accuracy, and precision :p
i gotta find me a zeta
A youtube video with a female shooter who's not a fucking moron? Inconceivable!
That girl is easily well into a professional category her stance her paused shooting and breathing are dead on so i imagine she is a very very good shot it's just amazing to see a girl shoot better then 80% of male shooters