Grab some popcorn, this is a long one. Stay tuned, much more on the way.
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Ok, I'm convinced. I'll take two!
Y’all should make a button box with Eric’s catch phrases lol yea buddy..she’s runnin..
I would love to know how much it cost to purchase all that ammo
Do an ARAK-21 meltdown
Melt a sig m400 tread.
do a meltdown of an sfs bfr rifle please
You know I just recently bought a delton 316l and it was very cheap and I wonder what that would do in a melt down?
Am I the only one that thinks his voice sounds like Cousin Eddie from the Vacation movies?
Honestly as far as a meltdown goes you should've stopped soon as you ran out of mags; there's no point doing these if you're not putting continous and unhalted stress on the gun.
50 bmg meltdown
Do a 556 10.5 sbr meltdown
They say to this day he is still asking for more ammo.
Think about it this way 42 minutes constant non-stop shooting and the gun still doesn't break
I bet you keep the weapon shops in business
Do you ever melt the brass
Not a gun expert but I think 9mm is very small caliber and thus it doesn't generate a lot of heat ..that's why it's very difficult to meltdown a well made 9mm gun
You should do a melt down video with a Sota arms AR15 upper.
Melt a bushmaster xm15 qrc please!
Love those glow in the dark hand-guards. Gotta get me one of them. Do they come like that? lol.
I would like to see a meltdown of the psak-gf3.
I love these vids man. Great stuff.
Puts an optic and pistol grip on rifle he wants to melt…fires from him instead while holding mag
Iraqveteran8888 what is the specific barrel specs
I fell asleep woke up and the gun was still shooting
Do a full auto 10/22 suppressed! I’m dying to see the reliability
Can you do a Stag Arms meltdown?
i world like to see some H&K rifle or SMG meltdown
Please do a bullpup meltdown. Please.
Go to a gun store to buy a crap ton more of ammo and the store owner says what is going on. Eric must be doing another meltdown video.
With these collaborations with jerry miculek you should get him to run one of these guns and see if he can meltdown one
If you start playing the lottery you might be able to afford a minigun meltdown vid.
Quite interesting – definitely a Plus for Faxon! How about a Tavor – SAR or X95?
is this a faxon bolt and barrel? im looking at building an ar9 soon and need to choose what barrel and bcg to go with.
Try it with a Thompson submachine gun. Weighing in at over 10 pounds, and having barrel fins, and being chambered for the lethargic .45 ACP cartridge, you'd die of old age before killing it.
At min 30 I'm begging it to die.. then again this would have to be my Mars gun!

Meltdown a 12 Gauge Remington 1100 shotgun
At 25:42 . Probably going to be a extorter fail .
Ive watched all your videos. Are you able to show a old lmg melt down I’m curious to know what kind of torture they can take .
9mm AK meltdown , NAK9 or the one from PSA.
This gun lasts longer than I can sleep. LOL!
aug a3 meltdown pieas
This Iraqveteran8888 Meltdown Video still amazes me how this Faxon Firearms 9mm Pistol caliber carbine outlast the meltdown down torture test after 5,000 + rounds. I've addictively watched this video over several times the past 3 months. And rest my case assure that the 9mm Pistol caliber carbine and any other caliber carbine ( .40 S&W, .45 ACP, 10mm, .380 ACP) platforms have most definitely proven to have their place as a reliable, longevity, recreational, and all around purpose/self defense weapon. And I trust my life, safety, and liberty with this weapon. POINT BLANK PERIOD!
Yea, pistol calibres are often much weaker than intermediate calibers such as .223 or 7.62×39. Obviously this will put less stress on the barrel and everything else.
I wonder how many pounds of lead and copper are in your berm.
Now this is gun violence
Faxon 9mm simply refused to die.