In this edition of Good Gear, I test drive the Bushnell Trophy TRS-25 red dot sight on my AR-15 and FN SLP shotgun. It performed beyond expectations.
If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to

In this edition of Good Gear, I test drive the Bushnell Trophy TRS-25 red dot sight on my AR-15 and FN SLP shotgun. It performed beyond expectations.
If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to
Just bought my first TRS25. Probably will end up buying them for all my AR's and range pistols.
The further up you put it? The higher the you are from you iron sights. I can prove it, unless you pay for that range time
UTG riser mount?
Damn the way this guy shoots I never want to mess with him LOL
Good shooting
Got mine from Amazon for $47 and mounted it on a UTG mount for absolute cowitness (you can get a taller UTG mount for lower 1/3 if you want). 600 AR15 rounds and attached/detached a few times and still holds zero. Haven't tested out the 3,000 hour battery life, but with what I believe to be Chinese knockoff "Energizer" batteries, I was able to get 19 days of constant on at #4 brightness setting out of 11 (yes, this goes to 11), before it was too faint to be useable. Forget FieldSport. Returned that junk twice. For the price of two FieldSports, you can get TRS-25 and have something that's far more reliable.
Is that a radical firearms at
Man I bought one and could not shoot as good as this guy. False advertisements
Great shooting music!
Awesome video. Crank up the voice over by 5 db. Or lower the music by 5 db.
Good shit
R.I.P headphone users when he's hitting the steel lmao
What hand guard is that? ALG? Thanks
just picked one up for $52
Probably one of the best optic reviews I've ever seen, no long list of boring specs we can all get.
I have 2 TRS 25's and both of them are great. .5 inch groups at 50 yards with the AR pistol. Good sight!
Watching this reminded me to get the hirise for it. I just ordered my first AR yesterday. Mine is the Anderson AM15 optics ready and I'm psyched to get this on there
would you recommend the TRS-25 3moa over a primary arms RDS 2moa? I currently have a sightmark RDS which has worked good on my AR no issues but looking to put something affordable on a new AR I just got.
With the whole dilemma with the white vs yellow lettering versions of this sight, is it safe to say that the trophy version always comes in the yellow lettering? or whats the difference?
Dude your a beast!!! Please teach me how to shoot like that
Awesome video bet you could give Michulak a run for his money