Home CMMG AR-15 – BADASS Upgrade – Battle Arms Development Ambi Safety Selector

AR-15 – BADASS Upgrade – Battle Arms Development Ambi Safety Selector


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
This is such a SIMPLE upgrade but SO WORTH IT!! This not only makes your safety ambidextrous but also makes it buttery smooth all thanks to the KNS Precision detent and spring. In this video I show you exactly how I install mine. It is very easy!!

If you are interested in picking one of these up, please check them out over at:

(tell ’em I sent ya!)

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  1. You earned another sub. Only because the last video I watched, you explained that you learned and researched something before making a video about it. Most creators just wing it. Respect.

  2. I found a sweet way to do this without removing your pistol grip for anyone interested. (In case yours is loc-tited on there) Made a little video that shows a quick way I haven't seen other people do. Sweet video by the way!

  3. I have the same safety on my santan lower but it doesn't have an audible click I installed it correctly I doesn't fire in safe everything functions but my safety doesn't have the positive click? why is that please help me with some insight on this

  4. dude my screws in my battle arms development safety broke off and got stuck in the metal tube thing and the levers fell off the company told me they will not fix it with out a receipt

  5. Does that ambi bother your trigger finger when shooting right-handed? I got an ambi and it bugged the CRAP outta me. Went back to the stock safety and it's garbage. I am wondering what to replace it with…

  6. Thanks for the demo.  The safety looks kind of a gray tone in the video.  Is it a nice black or is the camera just distorting the color?  I don't want it if it's a lighter tone than a Mil Spec lower.

  7. Another great video!..I keep following all of your videos every time I need to upgrade or do some work on my AR and now I'm thinking of installing a ambi safety selector but first will like to know is there a difference (beside the price), between the $55+ B.A.D. A.S.S. Ambi-Selector and others (Made in USA) phosphate black finish ambi selector machined from steel to Mil-Spec Standards, selling on eBay from US sellers from $17 to $22?  These parts don't have any manufacturer brand name but they look the same and I'm sure they will work in the exact same way as the Battle Arms but for less money.


  8. On sale now. $67. Good vid thank you. But yiu never mentioned that you get 2 levers of different design types your choice from 9 they offer. Which 2 do you have?.

  9. nsz85 – installed last night along with the Enhanced Pivot & Takedown Pin Set from BAD. Your videos on both were a big help along with your replies to folks with questions/issues. I replaced the std. safety switch that came on my BCM MID16. I like the ability to flip the safety lever from the right side, and see the setting from the right side facing up when the chamber is open (SOP at the range when the range goes cold). I like the various lever options available too. Thanks again for the great instruction in your videos on these BAD products & thanks much for the 10% discount when ordering online from Battle Arms Development.

  10. Hey nsz, how has this faired for you long term? Nice piece, but after a couple months of use, my safety gradually stopped solidly engaging on safe and semi. Turns out the detent was ground all the way to a tiny nub fitting inside the groove. BAD has send me a new center unit and all is good now, but just curious if you had any longevity issues as well!

  11. Excellent video. I am left handed also and this is a must. I had mine done in Flat Dark Earth to match the other FDE upgrades. The instructions on the Battle Arms recommend to use thread locker…so I used Permatex blue.

  12. I followed your instruction , Yet My colt le6920 safety selector wouldn't come off …. May be there is something else beside detent pin ?

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