Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | New Hampshire: Senate Committee to Hear Private Transfer Ban

ILA | New Hampshire: Senate Committee to Hear Private Transfer Ban


On April 30th, the New Hampshire state Senate Judiciary Committee will hear House Bill 109 to criminalize the private transfer of firearms.  The hearing will be at 9:00AM, with other gun control bills being heard at 10:00AM.  Please contact committee members and urge them to OPPOSE HB 109.  Click the “Take Action” button below to contact committee members.

NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are invited to attend this hearing in Room 100 of the State House at 9:00AM on April 30th in order to express their opposition to these bills.

House Bill 109 would essentially ban the private transfer of firearms.  It employs a broad definition of “commercial sales” that would require private individuals, such as collectors and hobbyists who attend gun shows to trade firearms among each other, to conduct their transfers through Federal Firearm Licensed (FFL) dealers.  The exemptions in the bill for private individuals not attending gun shows are so narrow and this definition of “commercial sales” is so large that they are effectively useless.

This is a solution in search of a problem.  Federal law already requires firearm dealers, regardless of location, to do background checks when transferring firearms.  According to federal studies of how prison inmates acquired firearms, fewer than 1% reported acquiring them at gun shows, and the vast majority acquired firearms on the black market, by straw purchase, or by theft.  In addition, ATF has reported that nearly half of illegally trafficked firearms alone originate through straw purchasers.

Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to urge committee members to OPPOSE HB 109.  NRA members and Second Amendment supporters who wish to attend the 9:00AM hearing on April 30th may find details here and below.

9:00AM on April 30th
State House Room 100
107 N Main St.
Concord, NH 03303

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