SBA3 is a Collapsible Pistol Brace Produced by SB Tactical designed for compatibility with buffer tube Pistols like an AR-15
pistol. This stabilizing brace brings a lot of features to the table that have been less than accessible in previous designs.
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Patreon patrons for the month of May 2018 will be entered for a chance to win an SBA3.
3:13 Uhh I don't think it's supposed to do that hahaha
SBR seems like waste of money to me. My brace does just fine, 5.56/.223 just does not kick enough for a brace to make a difference in my eyes. I see the sba3 as an alternative to spending money on an sbr. Just.my opinion tho.
Can't wait to get my long-barrel pistol with an arm brace and a modified solvent trap.
Is the SBA3 "Legal" on a Ar-15 80% Pistol without an SBR stamp?
I still prefer the Tailhook or Shockwave blade to the SBs. No silly velcro or big black rubber baby buggy bumpers.
Plus, SB lying to customers saying that they're the only braces you can shoulder. That really ticked me off.
why does your gun keep malfunctioning
Now they/we have all the info off your form
have you had any experience or heard anything about the splitfix for the sba3?
"Introduced to me on the fly"…I walked up to the guys that make it and started talking to them about what they're offering.
Do you still need a spring and buffer? If it comes with the tube ? Or do u need an entire mill spec buffer kit
What can are you using….?
Are you Seth Rogans brother??
hello, do you have to use the buffer tube that comes with the brace or can i use my own?
What buffer tube needs to be used with this brace ?
If I have a SBR can I, reregister it as a pistol, put a Brace on it and get my $200 back?
Ready to do some more shooting and……damn….ar15 pistol not reliable. Go figure
What rifle stock was that? when you took the sba3 off?
That is why I don't buy an AR! FTF issues..
So do you need to remove the pistol buffer tube and replace it with a carbine tube?
What can ?
Can you do a video putting this on pap M85np that would be nice
I figured that it was already SBRed… I just wondering if you would be addressing it.
personally, dont see a big difference…..lol
What upper is that?
I still use the brace on my SBR just so I can be a rebel and shoulder it legally. Also haven't bought a stock yet. Keyboard Warrior I get it. They just need to streamline the NFA process this would be easy and more lucrative for the general fund
Just bought the SBA3 for my Saint pistol. Love it and also didn't know about it being able to come off and swap out. Thanks for the vid and short lesson.