The AR-15 is prolific and iconic. We condense the history of the longest serving rifle in US military history into a brief video covering all of the important points. While this video couldn’t possibly cover every detail of the AR’s illustrious history, we feel it covers everything that anyone new to AR type rifles might want to know about where this rifle came from. If you don’t have time to watch the entire video, it’s important to at least know that the AR-15 rifle is never gonna let you down.
It’s also:
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
If you haven’t figured it out already, please note the date that this video was published and disregard literally everything that Andrew said. Almost nothing in this video is remotely correct.
Hi-Speed camera courtesy of Aimed Research
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Well researched, well put together, well written, well scripted, and well delivered..

Top notch info!
full of inaccuracies…..horrible
The truth about the AR 15 finally De-classified….
Funny April fools joke about them video games. Sounds like Antifa training software. Lol
Every solid fact about Remingtons design compiled into one video. Pure. Gold.
Thank you Andrew.
LMBO this video have me going!! Great one!!
Should be called "The Ultimate and Comprehensive History if the AR15"
Tomorrow, CNN will use this video as a research tool.
LOL Bravo You got most of the myths.
Love it. And the attention to detail is outstanding. I learned more from this video than anything I have ever read in the YouTube comments section… and that’s saying something. I had always suspected the .9mm version was because of the military allowing women in combat. So, the more you know….
As a marine I understand everything about the rifle I don't need no dumb down rifle. You the bullets in the bang bang stick clips throw into the hole and make pewpew noises for add accuracy. It's so power everyone with in 5ft of bullet dies.
Best video I have seen, thanks Andrew. Hahaha
April fools haha!
I learned a lot of good info from this. Next time I go to the range, I’m going to drop knowledge on them fools.
Oh boy, a lefty is going to watch this and we will have a whole new set of myths to bust!
April is the best month.
Is it true that Alexandria Occasional Cortex contributed to this historical account? She has a great grasp of history, nice work!
6:14 is Audy Murphy!
Now that your April fools joke is out of the way, you owe me a real documentary LOL
rich man, that was rich lol!
Awesome video. I learned a ton by watching this.
Dang, can only click Like once
To this day, Matel still makes a better rifle than any commie gun
AR15 > AK74

You left out the AR15s most ardent supporter Josh Shugarmann….. and the overwhelming wave of recent political support for continued civilian ownership of AR15s.
That was painful.
Love your sense of humor, but I have a feeling it will go over some people's heads like a lead balloon.
Just because Aimless sells words for a living don’t mean he knows dick about AR15 history.

Manufactured by metal mother fker more history plz
Well done ARFCOM. Well done indeed…
The Mark 18 part made my day. Thank you.
I can't believe this fake news propaganda completely ignores the fact that the AR15 is a poodle shooting .22 varmint gun, that jams on every shot.
Correction on rate of fire. It’s 15 Merica per second. :eagle screech:
Did anyone else watch this 87 times?
Could not have said it better myself
The AR-15 Gospel according to Reverend Andrew after drinking all night.

What !!!