Home AR-15 Top Three Favorite AR15 Scopes 2019

Top Three Favorite AR15 Scopes 2019


Let’s go with three. That is three different price levels of scopes for your AR15 or other tactical carbine. Every scope shown is excellent for its price level and all three have passed long term TNP testing…even weathering the curse of the desert. Weaver and Leupold scopes will be shown (and a Vortex StrikeEagle imbedded, see below) along with infield shooting in cold weather. The Wevar Kaspa in FDE is highly recommended and only costs $200 in Amazon, below. The others will improve on the Kaspa in FOV, adjustment range, eye box relief, weight, clarity, and low light performance. Pick your value level and be happy!

FDE Weaver Kaspa /5-6x32mm Illumin. shown:
Vortex StrikeEagle 1-8x24mm Illumin. SE-1824=1, xlnt high value AR scope shown:
Weaver Kaspa Scopes:
Primary Arms 1-8x24mm Illumin. scope (not shown):
Leupold VX6 #1204411-Illumin. no longer being made but you might find it on secondary market…great scope!
Weaver Tactical 1-5x24mm Illuminated shown# Weaver 800364:
1-6x24mm scopes:
1-8x24mm scopes:
Holosun Assortment:
Holosun HS403
Holosun Eotech ‘Homage’:

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  1. Thank you for the awesome update, Nutn! I was just watching your old scope video (permanently in my YouTube playlist) and wondering what you thought about current glass offerings

  2. Ok I cry foul Nut'n…what about the Nikon M-223? You've raved about that AND use it in your AR reviews all the time. As much as you've used it I'm surprised it wasn't in your favorites.

  3. Back when zombie stuff was all the rage, Weaver sold a version of that 1.5×6 scope with some goofy zombie markings on it. I picked one up when they were being liquidated for $140. It's the same scope. I just have to cover the ugly badging.

  4. My wife just heard you say you’ve been doing this for 12 years, and she blurted out with mild disgust, “I’ve had to listen to his voice for 12 years?! That’s as long as we’ve been married!” LOL

  5. Have the mid priced model which has gotten numerous decent reviews. Good to see yours too

    What you have is what it is but no longer for sale lueopold is marginal. I did see your comment recently on leupold vz-r 4-12 x 4O in another video……not for CQB..but you seemed to like it……narrow FOV….3-9 better?..

    Thanks just signed up yesterday to get this video on Patreon. Bought an item from Gunnies last week . They are great. Keep it up….

  6. You should check out the Leupold VXR-Patrol 3-9. Super light, illuminated dot (motion activated), I think retail is somewhere near $750. Definitely my favorite, maybe worth a look.

  7. Great point on the 1X magnification, before I retired from the Corps we were doing CQB with the ACOG 3X. I never had a problem with it, and would get outstanding groups from 50 meters in. In fact, I never realized it was an issue until the internet told me it was.

  8. I've got a Trijicon TR24 that I absolutely love, got it used for around $450. The Steiner P4Xi is also supposed to be excellent, while reasonably priced. I have been seriously unimpressed by the glass quality of the lower-end Vortex and PA LPVOs.

  9. I just picked up a Savage model 10 fp. Bull barrel 308 and cant figure out what to put on it. Came with a cheaper scope thats usable but have been looking in the $300 range.

  10. I don't think I've ever heard a bad word about leupold. you must have bumped into someone talking shit for it's own sake. only thing bad about Leopold is their expensive, but they are quality.

  11. Sometimes you have to make a decision do you want to eat or do you want to have a night force!
    The night force will help you protect the food you don’t have when shit hits the fan

  12. Decent 20 inch barrel at a decent price point in your opinion? I have to change my barrel due to a "solvent saver" issue… Wanting to switch from a 16 inch carbine gas system to a 20 inch rifle length. Any tips on a barrel to get and what I may have to do to the buffer system. Rifle is 556 btw.

  13. FWIW, I have at least 3 usernames on YouTube and they are all subbed to tnp. So a lot of your users that have “left” may have the same situation. Certain YouTube names are more easily found by my professional network and therefore limit my ability to comment freely without being punsished. Free speech is not dead but employers are allowed to do what they want as a response to your comments in EAW states.

  14. Love my Burris RT6 on my MK18 URGI. Super clear, I love the extended throw lever and the price. They go on sale frequently, it’s my default choice now for new builds.

    I’ll use LPVOs on nearly everything due to my astigmatism. Red dots streak with my vision.

  15. I picked up my vortex 1x8x24 with mount from palmetto state during black Friday sale for like $389. Love that scope. Have to had the cost of the aero mount but subtract the cash I made back selling the vortex mount.

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