Home AR-15 AR-15 Accessories: Do's and Don'ts PART 7 – Red Dot + Magnifier...

AR-15 Accessories: Do's and Don'ts PART 7 – Red Dot + Magnifier Combo


Aimpoint 3X flip-to-side magnifier:

Pack-Mounted Molle Shooting Rest (Eberlestock) shown in video:
Taking some time to narrow the HUGE topic of optics down to specifically red dot/magnifier combos (aka: “hybrid optics”). A few things I forgot to/didn’t have the time to mention…

1) Real estate – Keep in mind with a red dot + mag setup on an AR one thing you should be aware of is the available space you have on your upper for this kind of hardware. It’s a chunk to make room for. If you shoot nose to charging handle and get up on the gun a lot like we do you will need to make sure you have enough mounting surface for both the magnifier and your specific red dot or risk the magnifier sitting too far to the rear hitting you in the face with every squeeze of the trigger.
2) Practical magnification – Also keep in mind that 3x is NOT such an extreme amount of magnification that it becomes over-powering. 3x is a very common and extremely manageable level of power for a large variety of scenarios and still supports use of the optic with both eyes open while utilizing the Bindon Aiming Concept (BAC). Again, most ACOGs are around the 3-4x range and even these can be used very effectively at close ranges.
3) Military use of red dot + mag combos – During my time in the service I never personally saw anyone utilize red dot magnifier combos. Granted, I was never in any “cool” units that would allow custom setups of any issued firearms nor did we ever work closely with any units whose command did either. During my time scouring combat footage I did at one time run across a video of an Army unit in Afghanistan showing one Soldier rocking an Aimpoint T1 and 3x mag, however the use of red dots + plus mags in the military is fairly uncommon. Don’t get too hung up on what the military does and doesn’t do. Analyze what your goal for this tool is, determine the role it will be used for, and go from there.

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Build list for this rifle
BCM 16″ Mid-length BFH upper
BCM KMR Alpha 13” Keymod rail
BCM lower w/ Magpul Enhanced Trigger Guard
BCM Auto Bolt Carrier Group
B.E. Meyers 249F flash hider
BCM Keymod Short Vert Grip
Aimpoint PRO
Gunfighter Mod4 Charging Handle
QD Swivel Endplate w/ swivel
KAC Micro Rear BUIS
KAC Micro Front BUIS
KNS AntiWalk Pins
Magpul BAD lever
Magpul CTR Buttstock
Magpul MIAD Pistol Grip
Magpul PMAG
Magpul RSA sling mount
ALG ACT trigger
Viking VTAC Sling padded

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  1. I like the professional Aimpoint 3x. You can install the twist mounts on multiple rifles, then you have a 3x option for every red dot you have. Although I rarely use it, $800 invested in something that sits in the safe Haha. I need s better outdoor range!

  2. Hey @Highjak86 sorry about getting a little frustrated about your previous videos in this series but since you said you did six years in the service couldn’t you have at least told us your branch and mos or even ait you had?

  3. I just bought my first AR. I'm going for highest quality/lowest cost with the trade-off being fancy features/super light weight and bells and whistles from the factory. I ended up with an M&P carbine with a Magpul MOE Mlok forend and A2 front sight/MBUS rear that came on it and a Magpul CTR stock I replaced the generic 6 position with for built in QD and better ergonomics. The optics ended up being a Holosun HS503c and I just picked up a Vector 3x magnifier set up for lower 1/3. In the optics I want for bang for the buck and best reviews in price range also. As much as I would love a $900+ EOTech or Aimppint setup, I couldn't justify spending $600 in optics for a $550 rifle. I have around $340 in optics as it is and around $1000 in the whole rifle with 95% of the mods done that I wanted. Maybe go ham sandwitch on the next one but for a reliable and pretty nice first I'm quite happy with it so far.. It's probably a little heavy as it is but It doesn't bother me. Super light weight floating handguard and furniture can come on the next one. I'm just ready to do some more shooting.

  4. I am getting that primary arms 3 times optic for $212 to go in front of my awesome fucking red. I am 56 years old and for me to see to the end of the indoor range where I usually or generally put my target is very difficult for me to see this will definitely help me out as I wear multifocal contacts and my eyes just aren't what they used to be actually my shooting I switched from my dominant side my right side to my left side which isn't all that uncommon but God damn I need help for the old man eyes watch out I will still kill you mother fucker quick

  5. don't ever do this lol these people always trash talk at the range and then we outshoot them in carbine course. Get a good 3 or 4 power compact scope and if you want a red dot run a 45 degree angle pic rail with a pistol dot under the front portion of the scope. I have preformed the best with make KISS carbine with only a vert grip, carry handle, and 4×20 because i can transition from scope to irons seamlessly. And my shit weighs less and don't need batteries.

  6. I’ll get flamed for this I’m sure but to those of you thinking the acog is a better option then the aimpoint/eotech with a magnifier guess again I’ll just say my acog or acogs I should say went bad one me three fucking times In less then a year after that I’d had enough and went back to eotech swearing off trijicon across the board if you can afford a trijicon save up the extra cabbage and get a elcan cause I swear there is not a single person who could gift me a acog NOPE NEVER AGAIN

  7. How do you like the idea of using a magnifier just for gettin your red dot dialed at 100? Or for doing some accuracy tests on your system without having to swap sights when your intent is for a short range rifle. Have a couple rifles set up with red dots but wouldn’t Mind having some mag to help dial in quicker.

  8. I'd go for a nice Vortex 1x-6x HD with a nice mount… ($1600+) You can have both eyes open at 1x, and 6x will get you out there for 5.56. (3-Gunners and Operators use them…) Oh and get rid of all that aluminum, Carbon Fiber stock and rail. lol Just kidding, the more rounds you train with the better you will be even with a retro M16A1. PeAcE!

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