Home AR-15 Reid's AR-15 SPR Setup: Muzzle to 600+ Yards

Reid's AR-15 SPR Setup: Muzzle to 600+ Yards


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The SPR is a Special Purpose Rifle and enables the shooter to hit with accuracy at distance with consistency. In this video, we cover optics, setting up the rifle, the role, and application of the the SPR. We also head out to the range to show the rifle in action at distances up to 600 yards.

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  1. Umm… WHAT??? You are a disgrace.

    No dark sunglasses?
    No OD green scarf?
    No open carry pistol with 2 extra mags?
    No MOLLE gear?
    No American flag patch on a ball cap?
    NO tacticool operator gear AT ALL???

    I'm surprised you were able to land ANY of those shots after coming to the range so poorly prepared.

    At LEAST that Carhartt jacket looked close enough to Flat Dark Earth. That probably helped a bit.

    Lol this vid was nothing fancy, but I appreciate your substance and dedication to marksmanship. You've earned a like and subscribe, sir. Well done 🙂

  2. No frills and no bullshit, training with what you have is more important then gear. I can make hit out to 300 yards with all of my rifles from a 10.5 AR SBR, my AKs in both 7.62 and 5.45. train with what you have. There is no magic ammo or gun, it's the shooter.

  3. What do you do when the bad guy is gov agents? During Katrina, they went door to door disarming people. They tackled a elderly woman to the floor in her own home. There is ample evidence that this did happen. I can only think of 2 options.

  4. You’re a good shot! It’s not all about these bigger gun, bigger ammo, bigger scope…you proved what a 55gr and 1-4x scope can really do…target or hunting…makes me feel better building my 16” Barrel 223 Wylde vs Expensive much more recoil 308..thanks and God Bless!

  5. One of these days Reid one of these days. Money is an issue now but I’ll get to you for some training. You and Clint smith are at the top of my list so your in good company

  6. Sorry I'm a foreigner so I don't have much information from what happens in the US, but it got me curious… what happened during the Katrina hurricane in New Orleans that required firearms to be engaged?
    Sorry for my lack of knowledge…

  7. Hello, Mr.Reid Henrichs: I see more Camera Witness via through the scope to show Rifle shots.Even in PCP rifle shooting ?! Maybe ask ATN Out if San Bruno Cali.to field test I hope you re-read your YOUTUBE notifications.I have l learned a lot from your channel since I found you.Your political thoughts are so true so simple Thank You, Marien, for your service.God Bless.

  8. Hey Reid, I have a Mak90 Norinco and i want a dust cover with a rail so that i can mout a zoom in scope, but i can never find a company that make accessories for Norinco that will fit to spec. Do you no where i can get a dust cover that would a Mak90?

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