In this video, I discuss how Eotech (L3 Technologies) sold us out by donating to Diane Feinstein, how YouTube de-monetized gun channels again and my very soon giveaway that I need your suggestions for. Check it out and let me know what you think.
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How about for the giveaway just have people hit the like and comment what their load out for the Electric Boogaloo would be.
It's only gonna get worse! Sad to say but it is!! Great video Dan!
Keep what you got and do not buy nothing else from these commies!!
One more thing. Screw Google. It's a bad company run by extremely BAD people who do a disservice to mankind.
Amen, Dan. I'm not an Eotech guy. Never have been. Screw them. We have options.
a friend of mine just passed away, gonna do some mag dumps in his honor
If I could kick their teeth in for you I would, is there no other way we can get this content, another "youtube" channel or avenue. Why are we not sranding together worldwide as gun loving gun owners and boycotting these punk, liberal socialist warts?
There must be a way, there's always another way, change is painful and perhaps even scary but running away from the school bully could mean he'll run after and get knocked over by a bus and given the just reward for being a dick.
Youtube is nothing but an avenue, a method, a means unto an end, an option.
It is not final, it's not infinite and it most certainly will not change my life if it dies the death it deserves. Guns for life because guns save lives, real men must own and encourage real men to own and carry everyday and everywhere because of the real threat of false men and false government and the very real evil that is out there.
You keep delivering videos of truth, be the voice of truth in a dark and ugly world of lying money grabbing, people killing/oppressing/enslaving politicians and their brainwashed minions.
I follow your channel and always check to see if you have reviewed a product to get your thoughts and opinions on it before buying. Keep doing what you do.
You average less than 10K views per video. You’re talking $23/video if the channel was fully monetized.
Sorry, but I am buying Benchmade and Springfield 1911s. I own EXPS as well. You’ll buy Aimpoint and they’re from Sweden.
Thank you for the sacrifice to get the message out. Highly appreciated brother.
S&W are sellouts too
Dan, it is YOUR channel and I think Most of us just Appreciate what you do and how you do it. That said, I just think it is great that you are going to have a GAW and any rules or requirements to enter would be fine. We can either enter or not. No reflection on our support for your channel.
I watch a lot of YouTuber channels and I'd have to say people like give aways where you ask them a question and whoever you think has the best answer wins.
Over priced products that are NOT any better than much cheaper products is a Great Clue that they are paying off a lot of people, politicians almost Always Included. Those companie are ALSO Indebted to many of the Socialist Commie Lefties.
Great video
Makes me happy I own 4 Vortex optics and ZERO eotech. And you should move your videos to FULL30.
Wow! I was really considering buying a holographic sight for my AR, EOTECH was on the table but now nope! Any good priced holographic sights?
This is very politically motivated. Or money on how you think about it. Really it’s the same thing money if they still have the military contract then it will help them after they take our firearms any company with a contract is safe from the government shutting down there operations.
Leupold is in a liberal state. I hope they are standing strong.
Thanks for the heads up! Their product has gone out to lunch too.
You are a very generous man to offer to do a GAW. Bless you and yours.
I never purchased any EOTech product because I never liked the short battery life. Now that I know they donate money to anti gunners, they really aren’t going to get any of my money now! They are indeed dead to me!
Amen Dan! If they don't support us and the Second Amendment then they don't deserve to be supported by us and make money off the Second Amendment! That would be like Jim Beam supporting Prohibition! They are Idiots! As far as the giveaway goes, why not do it like WHO_TEE_WHO. Make a video about the giveaway and tell people to leave a comment on that video to enter. Maybe a comment about what the Second Amendment means to them and why it is so Important to them! Like you said, not everyone is able to make a video response. I know I cant right now, but I always make my voice heard when it comes to the Second Amendment and all of our American rights it protects. Keep up the Fight, Never Surrender and Defend our American Freedoms and Rights! I"m With Ya Brother!
Random comment generator is probably the easiest .
I was in that carbine class with you, while I can’t say I have had issues with my eotech functioning, I will look into their anti 2a stance. That’s a bunch of bull if so. And I will happily sell them and purchase products from companies who support our god given rights
Thanks for exposing all these companies who purport to support the 2nd Amendment and than back stab it. These companies will not earn one penny from me!
Fascist dictators still look good through iron sights. Screw TURNCOAT-TECH.
A lot of companies donate to Democrats. You might be surprised to find out just how many.