Home AR-15 Republican State Sen. Hosts AR-15 Giveaway After Orlando Shooting

Republican State Sen. Hosts AR-15 Giveaway After Orlando Shooting


In the wake of the Orlando shooting, Florida State Senator and congressional candidate Greg Evers has decided to host a rifle giveaway.

It might not seem like the most obvious gesture after a mass shooting that involved a rifle, especially compared to recent attempts from Democratic lawmakers to tighten gun laws.

But Evers said in a Facebook post: “I’m not counting on Obama or Congress to protect me from terrorism, and neither should you.”

The congressional hopeful said in the official giveaway post: “With Terrorism on the rise and liberals in Washington talking about taking away your 2nd Amendment Rights I decided to giveaway this custom AR-15. … Let’s send the Washington Liberals a message.”

The giveaway is hosted by his congressional campaign and is only open to people living in the district he’s running in. There are a few more stipulations too. After “liking” and “sharing” the post on Facebook, the winner will have to pass a background check.

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  1. such a fuck you message, be hilarious if that senator gets shot and killed moments after giving it to him in public by the very AR-15 that he gave him, the irony, nothing worse than a crazy giving another crazy a weapon

  2. Because if he relied on Obama the major backer for his bullshit wouldn't pay him for his bullshit. Hack Republicans and the politics of fear to make a bundle as per usual. Gross.

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