Home StreamLight Surefire X300U-A & X300U-B 1,000 Lumen Weapon Light Review

Surefire X300U-A & X300U-B 1,000 Lumen Weapon Light Review


I do some shooting with the new Surefire X300U-A and X300U-B 1,000 lumen weapon light, compare the beam patter with the Streamlight TLR-1 HL and XH35, go over its features, and what I think of it overall.

Video with all the links:
X300U-A/B link:

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Music by Machinima & Epidemic Sound

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  1. Got the X300U-B from Amazon yesterday and mounted on my FN 509T (It took the Universal wedge btw……the pic rail wedge will not work on the 509T) Anyways……WOW….Stooooooopid Bright!!! LOL Only negative I'd say is how it extends past the muzzle and makes the rig even larger……obviously….. but the gun isn't really a EDC pistol anyway. I did take your advice and also bought a Streamlight 66608 Flashlight Micro Stream USB – Coyote for EDC in my pocket. Makes me wonder how I've ever gotten by without an immediately available flashlight…….besides my smartphone flashlight of course. Great channel……Love the content and the "humble" nature of your reviews.

  2. I have the black u-b model on my colt ccu 1911 .45acp(my bs ban state home defense gun) and i shoot it regularly. 2nd range trip the light stopped working only being on the gun for about 450-500 rounds. I called surefire and was very polite as i have confidence in their products. They said send it in and they replaced the board and sent it back. Been great ever since.

  3. I only run the X300A on my guns. I have no need for the B. I've found several coworkers that have the B that have had malfunctions with their polymer framed guns because they over tighten the screw on the B model.

  4. Great video, but I just wanted to point something out that I think people should know. If you have a Gen 5 Glock, you should use the Picatinny Lever Latch (P), not the Universal Lever Latch (U). One of the things few people know (probably because Glock never publicized it) is that the slot on the Gen 5 rail is not the same as on previous generations. The slot on the Gen 5 is significantly wider. Set a Gen 4 beside a Gen 5 and you will notice it right away. I received my X300U-A in the mail today, and when I attached it using the Universal Lever Latch, the light had quite a bit of play and I could push it back and forth very easily. Then I remembered that the rail slot was different. I installed the Picatinny Lever Latch (P), and it worked much better. The only thing is, you have to push the light in a little harder to hear the click. But once it is in, it is as solid as a rock. I'm not sure that Surefire was aware of the difference between the earlier slots and the Gen 5 slot, and I think that is why you have to push it in a little harder.

  5. Do the Alpha variants still come with the additional locking method pieces? I can't remember exactly what it was called, but I had an old X300 U 500 lumen version and it had pieces so the light locked in place using a bar would slide within one of the grooves of your rail. In order to remove the light, you would pull back on a tab and pull the bar out to the side. All I've been seeing with the new Alpha variants is the quick release tabs where you press down on them and while holding, slide the light off. But not sure if reviewers simply aren't showing the other locking mechanism or if Surefire has discontinued it? Let me know.

  6. My TLR1's have held up sorta good (broken tailcaps.) My Valkyrie PL-2 shuts off, refused to turn on, dims to 700 lumens with fresh batteries after 3 seconds everytime, shits out its batteries and hisses. Time for a real light…

  7. For me personally, I prefer the A models on any weapon without a pic tail, and the B models on pic rails. Too many pic rails are made with slight variations in their dimensions and the B model will easily adjust to any of them. Where the A model will fit one great, and then you’ll need to loosen the screws to fit another. All in all, both are great options.

  8. Got mine for $200 at ar15safespace. It's a very nice light and on the A model, you definitely need to swap with the included plate to get a tight fit because stock config is for quick fit only so its loose.

  9. My health isn’t the greatest — making it hard for me to get out to shooting courses. I was wondering if in the future you would make a video going over some of the basic techniques of shooting at night with a WML — teaching some of us how not to blind ourselves and any other information that you find pertinent. Thanks.

  10. I think it was Aaron Cowan that said that the older X300U pistol lights had the same head on them as the Scout rifle lights and that’s why the beam is so concentrated. I personally prefer the Scout head, but these new ones are also good to go.

  11. MrgunsNgear I can no longer watch your videos, unfortunately my Mother was visiting and happened to see the boxers on the Dog cam and now I fear that she may be out to steal your Dogs. Thus I have to no longer watch these video's to keep the location of your dogs safe from my Boxer obsessed mother.

  12. The worst part about using weapon lights at night is not blinding yourself. It is explaining to the cops in full kit why you're clearing your house with your weapon light. My neighbors thought someone broke into my house and were using flash lights.

  13. Is the battery door plastic or aluminum? Just broke the plastic door on my TLR1 which seems to be a common issue. It has me thinking about going to Surefire. That would mean new holsters too….

  14. I'll preface this by saying I use 800 lumen lights for home defenss, so I am a fan of high lumen lights Beyond performance, and there is a difference, I do think part of the lumen "race" is about marketing. Being able to boil your product's performance down to one number makes it easier to say, "Look we put out more than the other guy." At the same time I've found just lumen counts don't tell the whole story and candela is important too as well as just the general beam shape.

  15. I've done day long light courses as well as used them around my home regularly. I wouldn't say high lumen lights can "blind" the user, but there is an element of being careful with them. If your light bounces off something in close proximity to your face such as a doorframe, wall, etc., then it can take a moment for your eyes to adjust. There is a degree of technique in not letting a light bounce flood your eyes. There's also the reality that the more lumens you put out the longer it will take your eyes to readjust to the darkness when that light goes back off after you finish your scan. Is that a significant amount of time difference? To me not really as you're likely scanning again pretty soon anyway.

    I do think that for inside a home with "standard" sized rooms you could certainly both identify and stun a threat with less lumens (and people did that for years before the lumen monsters we have now). But then again I don't have outbuildings or a large property to inspect. At say 50 yds and more the high lumen lights make threat identification a lot easier.

  16. It's confusing that they're using the same model number as previous lower powered lights. Come up with a new model number.

    I'm looking at my 500 lumen model and it has the exact same markings.

  17. Awesome shirt, that's entirely true about socialism. Poverty and disarmament for everyone but the government! I know because I live in a socialist hellhole of a country haha.

    Great new lights, they're packing a lot of lumens in pretty small packages.

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