Home CMMG AR-15 – Remove a Staked Castle Nut

AR-15 – Remove a Staked Castle Nut


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:
In this video, I explain why it is important to stake a castle nut, and then show and explain how to remove one. Staking a castle nut on an AR-15 is per “mil-spec” and is considered semi permanent.

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  1. Good video about how to loosen the castle nut but what else I would like to see is how to properly hold your firearm while you are wrenching on it.
    What to do, what not to do,,,,
    I have an AR15/.45 that takes Glock 21 mags and I havn't been able to find anything on YouTube a bout this kind of set-up

  2. Omg, really castle nut comes loose and the weapon becomes useless?
    So the entire butt stock assembly moving and spinning around and around isn't enough of a hint of a loose castle nut..

  3. I’ve watched all your vids. You are one of if not the most knowledgeable guy on YouTube with ARs. I’ve built over 75 of them and still look to you for info. Thanks for all these vids man. Great job

  4. Try that on a DPMS lower and destroy your buffer tube and castle nut…. There are companies that stake in castle nuts so deep that it is close to impossible to get them off properly w/o hurting parts on the weapon.

  5. You can also very slowly and carefully use a small drill to remove the material. Just be careful not to drill into the tube. If you are going to throw away the tube then that doesn't matter. If you are going to reuse the tub, then a little mark from the drill will be hidden anyway. If you happen to mark it some with the drill.

    I have seen them staked in two spots. Very hard to break free without using the drill first.

    To restake, a spring loaded center punch works best.

  6. Most solid as fu** factory stake jobs aren't going to come off without that wrench either stripping/slipping off the grooves or bending the wrench for most of these individuals. And if that happens they're going to gouge up their buffer tube, or worse…
    Either dremel it down or use a drill bit to grind some of the stake out of the castle nut groove. Then just replace the castle nut and end plate after. They're cheap parts to replace.. . No point in risking damage to the rest of the rifle.

  7. The comment section quickly morphs from a discussion on an instructional video to a bunch of bitches arguing over who has the hardest nuts. All that's at "stake" is their pride.

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