Home StreamLight SpeedSim: Thoughts on the Streamlight TLR-1

SpeedSim: Thoughts on the Streamlight TLR-1


In this episode of SpeedSim, E House and Amy go over their thoughts on the TLR-1 series of flashlights from Streamlight, and why it’s their personal favorite handgun light for airsoft use.

Learn more about the various Streamlight TLR models, and find a dealer on Streamlight‘s website:

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  1. I know you have already done the review on the dye i4 and i5 but I’m going to get but don’t know which one. I’m going to go instore to try them both on. I personally want an i4 but don’t know if it will cover my face completely. What do you prefer and why

  2. So the source or output thing, Lumens ARE an industry standard but what they are doing is fudging the reading. Those lights can technically do 1000 lumens, but they will burn out in a couple seconds and start on fire. They are showing you the maximum possible lumens that the diode can actually reach if it's directly cooled etc. You're SUPPOSED to show what the lumens are when the unit runs without external cooling and is supposed to take… but no one really can tell Chinese companies to stop reporting the way they do lol.

    Also, this show is a lot mor efun when Amy is on… Erik solo is great too, but these two got an on-stage chemistry that is awesome. I honestly… don't like a single one of the other Gun Gamers presenters and I tend to get bored out of my skull when they are on camera :/. I'm here for Erik or Erik & Amy it seems lol.

  3. TLR1HP is one of my favorite rifle lights. On a real one anyway haha. It has a massive reflector on it and something like a 480yard throw lol

    Ive got a shelf full of TLRs. Love'em

    Ive got a TLR-IR which is IR only wasnt that costly.

  4. Great to see some speedsim, I was already thinking about the TLR1 for when my cheap x300 clone dies (though over a year and its still working away) but you kinda sold me on it. Cheers guys – love from Ireland 🙂

  5. So I'm finishing up my cqb build, it a G&G Top Tech with a Wolverine Gen2 kit but I'm done with internals and have moved on to externals but so far I've only done a reflex sight and a Magpul MOE MLok foregrip and I'm having trouble deciding if I want a tracker unit or a light and pressure switch I wanna keep it on the whiter side because it is a carbine length M4 so I'm more leaning toward a light but I recently so the little ass acetech but don't know if I like the looks of it for a rifle… Any ideas?

  6. Watching your videos for some time now and realised I never gave any feedback. Not that I see the need for it because others will do it. But still, I felt some urge to do it now.

    So: keep it going peeps. I really enjoy the fact that you take time to explain and dig into all of the details about the product, idea or theory!

  7. This is the only handgun light I trust, I make holsters and this is far better than surefire x300u or the x350 . I have more than 10 rounds on real firearms without so much as a flicker. Streamlight is life, the candle light eq. and throw of these things is amazing . Thanks for the video

  8. Me: I need this
    Also Me: No you don't
    Wallet: Plz for the love of god no
    My mind everytime some pops up that I may need to ad to my airsoft collection: I need this

    Airsoft in a nutshell

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