Home CMMG PSA KS47 -vs- CMMG Mutant

PSA KS47 -vs- CMMG Mutant


Head to head tabletop comparison of the new PSA KS47 and the CMMG Mutant “Hybrid” AR47 rifles.

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  1. I like windham weaponry 7.62×39 upper for standard m4 platform. C products 20 round clip they work flawless. Much better most likely than psa mutant rifle. And the upper cost what a mutant rifle cost. They are accurate, morso than psa equipment. And better built. You get what you pay for. Hopefully windham will come out with 6.5 grendel soon.

  2. Still stuck between the two. $850 for the PSA, or $1100 for the Mutant? Definitely like the bolt face being beefier, but I like assembling my firearms, and saving a bit of money for mags and ammo that won't come with the PSA KS47. Thoughts?

    Also, nice side-by-side. Thanks for the video!

  3. Those photos of the KS47 BCG that you put up on AR15.com really helped. The BCGs are sold out so I improvised by modifying a standard body based on your photos. Right now it runs Romanian mags perfectly. It will run reinforced PMags well if the tops of the feedlips have been de-textured, smoothed off.

  4. Being an FFL holder I have had the advantage of being able to run both firearms and have put in excess of 500 rounds through both without issue so far. I prefer a high end AK to these "mutant" type rifles but with the exception of PSA's HORRID customer service personnel I can find NO reason to pay almost twice as much for the CMMG product. With both rifles I installed upgraded triggers with about a 3lb pull and with both rifles with the trigger upgrade I could manage MOA groups at 100 yards.
    What I CANNOT stand about either rifle is the AR direct impingement system of operation and the anal need of cleaning and running the damned firearms "wet". With an AK you just load, aim and fire and unless you ran through a 500 round box of ammo its up to you to immediately clean and lube the gun before firing it again. With these mutants or any other rifle that utilizes any form of the Stoner design you either keep the firearm spotlessly clean and VERY lubed or you can count on FTF's. That is why the various AR15 designs have been so problematic in EVERY war scenario they have ever been used in from the jungles of Southeast Asia to the desert conditions of the Middle East……….always problems and the makers always trying improvement and upgrade after improvement and upgrade to try to finally get what is now a very old design to work reliably in the field. Why do field commanders in just about every theater of operation always allowed their troops to use enemy captured small arms? Because the Eugene Stoner design and the anemic round it fires is simply not suited for combat after some 50 years of constant upgrade attempts.
    I do enjoy shooting these Mutant type rifles and I enjoy shooting AR platform rifles but I would NEVER grab one to get me through a SHTF scenario if I ever had an AK47 laying around instead. Fun guns but long proven a failure in combat. I still don't understand why the military ever designed a firearm that shot maybe the third best prairie dog shooting round instead of designing a gun that shoots a round that will do more than punch a .22 hole through a bad guy. Hell, they shoulda used the .220 SWIFT if they were going to field a varmint rifle for a combat gun.

  5. я из Украины. У нас оружие не легализировано (не легально). Наши власти смеются над нами. Людей которых мы выбрали как менеджеры страны – возомнили себя царьками! (царями!)I'm from Ukraine. Our weapons are not legalized (not legally). Our authorities are laughing at us. People whom we have chosen as the country's managers – imagined themselves czars! (Kings!)

  6. The problem with the PSA KS47 is that with any forward movement of the magazine, the feed lips will rub the bolt enough to cause stoppages. This is do to the fact that PSA's KS47 uses the front magazine latching platform of the magazine to stop upward movement of the magazine into the upper receiver…The AK47 magazine was designed to have stops in the receiver, one to each side, to stop this upward movement. This is why there is variations with some mags working and others not. This front section is of different heights and thicknesses on many magazines as the latching location is what's important.

    PSA's design team screwed up and didn't put magazine stops in the upper receiver…It took me an hour to find the design flaw without ever seeing one before. All they needed to do was machine magazine stops into the upper which could have been easily done with very little added machining time. Within another hour I verified that stops would not interfere with magazine insertion, bolt/carrier movement or with cartridges moving out of the magazine into the chamber. I now have JB Welded stops located just like an AK47 does, on my upper receiver. I'm an aerospace machinist and will eventually drill, ream and press fit a dowel pin in place of the JB Weld…Kinda want to see how long the JB works though, so will wait until it breaks out.

    I stayed on the phone waiting for a good 45mins before talking to a representative of PSA and disclosed in detail their design flaw…The person I talked with, Dave, said he would forward this info to their design team,…the team that glitched the design. This info really should be going to the top as they are losing orders with this flaw and we all know what people do when you make them look inadequate…Lets hope that doesn't happen as they did an excellent job with quality otherwise.

    Also, just to be precise here. They also put the front latching location in the lower receiver up a little too high and this also contributes to the bolt rubbing on the magazine feed lips. Though, this latching pin location could be the result of testing and the need for the bullet tips to impact the barrel extension feed ramps under high-speed operation…If this is the case then there wasn't much they could do with this angling of the magazine. I did notice that they also made the 2 bolt lugs which come in contact with the feed lips of the magazine thinner to reduce rubbing. That works a little, but they really needed to cut one side of each opposing lug at an angle to completely stop the rubbing…I've done mine so it's not a problem and I doubt that it weakens the lugs enough to be an issue as the angle is about .040 from the root of the lugs…Where all the shearing forces are.

    In closing, PSA,…for what I paid for my KS47, I shouldn't have to use JB Weld to fix your design flaws….And yes, it is a design flaw.

    P.S….If you do fix your error and put stops in, make sure there is a good radius, there's room, where the shelf/stop meets the receiver to give it max strength there. With a good radius, the chances of that cracking from some internet gun yahoo doing a drop test onto the magazine will be considerably less….Thought I'd add that do to your " design teams " lack of vision.

  7. biggest issue is the bolt, I would not touch another AR15 pattern 762×39. I have 3 of the older superbolts that have lasted, Those bolts were a limited run and over built. The old colt bolts are ok. Most of these other bolts will not last. The Mutant will certainly last longer.

  8. cmmg is a down sized ar10 psa is an upsized ar15 i would preffer the heavier ar10 bolt to handle the 7.62*39 vs a streched out or shaved down 5.56 bolt the heavier bolt will last alot longer because its original design was for .308

  9. I have the KS-47 and like it so far. I only had issues using Korean mags when I held on to them as the handguard got hot. The steel Korean magazine was loose on the sides and when I gripped the mag when firing, the bolt lug was binding with the feed lips, which was causing the failure to eject. I added some rail covers to remedy this hot handguard issue.

    As far as the groups, they were the size of an orange with iron sights at 25 yards. I was using TulAmmo. I replaced the A2 muzzle with a Precision Armament M4-72 which helped with the recoil.

  10. Since I bought this rifle the BCG hangs up stripping the top round into the chamber. Serious pain in the ass.

    I don't have experience with AKs but I'm think an AK BCG has more mass?

    Is the AR BCG lighter and therefore have trouble stripping the rounds from fully loaded mags?

    I've even downloaded to 20rds. Same trouble.

    I've used Pmags, gen2 and gen 3, korean steel, Polish mags, and a Hungarian steel. Same problem.

    My understanding is that mags can make or break the AK in so far as reliability goes. I can't find the winning combination here. I'm into over $200 in magazines so far on my search. I'm considering cutting my losses and buying an AK to go with all these mags 😉

    Now this review post isn't meant to be and internet keyboard jam job. There is much I like about this rifle. It groups great! This fitment is very good. The thin barrel and balance with a full mag is great as well.

    I just want more reliability!

    One of the sellig points stated is the gun is based on an AR15 upper unlike the CMMG rifle's AR10 upper.

    I also have no hands on experience with the CMMG mutant but I'm guessing the bulkier AR10 upper has a correspondingly more massive BCG. Does that extra mass aid in stripping rounds from the magazine during cycling?

    Would the KS47 benefit from a heavier recoil spring? I know you can only go so heavy on a recoil spring before you start causing other problems.

    Just a thought.

    Again, I'm truly not hating. I love the design, the build, and the feel of this rifle. I'm just struggling to keep it running!

  11. Palmetto state guns that are not AR15 based are LEMONS!!!!!!!!!!! From there PA-10 which they don't make anymore btw to there own version on the AK47 lol. The CMMG did research and testing to make this rifle dam near perfect. When it comes to these types of factory rifles go with a name that has a good reputation not a company that copies everyone else idea then tries to sell it for $500 cheaper without any R&D testing lol. Trust me PSA isn't there yet when it comes to building above standard firearms.

  12. People looking to build Pistols and SBR's wont even consider the CMMG parts for a build.. The PSA's greatest advantage is the AR15 form factor.. The bolt face might be visually weaker however bolt failure has never been a problem in 7.62×39 chambered AR's. Plus bolt heads are $40 bucks.. If it bothers you replace it ever 5K rounds.

  13. This is going to become the new darling of AR Pistol / SBR Builders and once this concept really takes off i think you can pretty much wave goodbye to the .300 Blackout. Over 90% of its sales are in the 125gr Supersonic loading which is virtually identical to standard steel cased 7.62×39 milsurp which is 75% cheaper than brass cased .300 Blackout.

  14. When they make one of those things with a last shot hold open and a bolt catch then I'll get one. Furthermore, that price on the CMMG Mutant has to come way down because it is just a DI gun not even a piston like an AK47. Still a long way to go for ME to want to purchase one. Give me a last shot hold open bolt lock and a piston and I'd buy either one at the present prices.

  15. The PSA uses an AR15 BCG and is weaker than the CMMG uses an AR 10.308 BCG which is meant to handle the the higher pressures of the 30cal. Round. There are breakage issues with a 5.56mm bolt milled out to accept the 30cal case. Go ahead and get the weaker PSA 7.62×39 AR15 style rifle. My life just may depend on the strength and reliability of the choice of go to rifle I choose. So, I chose the AR10 platform CMMG MK47 Mutant. Awesome rifle, No malfunctions, no wear after 200rounds….

  16. Just noticed that the cmmg dose NOT have a forward assist. I feel like the cmmg is over built with the 308 stuff. The only thing that looks weak on the psa seems to be the paper thin rim on the bolt. But having said that I've never seen one break. Just my opinion.

  17. PSA is one great company but man, it sure is hard to beat that BCG the CMMG has. I would like to see the 7.62X39 round try to wear down that monster BCG that comes with the CMMG "Mutant". I just wish that CMMG wasn't so damned "proud" of their rifles as they sure are pricey in comparison to the PSA offering.

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