It’s Full Auto Friday! For today’s video we chew up some ballistic gel with a full auto AR-15! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!
A special thanks to First Choice Firearms!
Firearm – Bushmaster AR-15 chambered in 5.56
American Eagle 223 REM 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket
Hornady Varmint Express 223 REM 40 Grain V-Max
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Happy FAF! Thanks for watching! You all are the best! Have a great weekend!

Scott is our hero
I fucking love ur videos so much plz don’t stick making videos
I would be curious to see a comparison with a single shotgun blast to a gel block with steel or lead BBs of a size or weight and count comparable to your 556 loads.
40 grain v max …No penetration
Always watching!

Play at 2x speed
Supressor gasses… the smell of freedom on friday!
O sorry I thought it was on full auto Hahaha Haha full auto problems got to love them !
You and demo ranch against creepy cooter and t rex
I like your full auto Friday keep up the good from Canada
Любая проблема – это шанс проявить себя.
Honestly if that were an actual human there's no surviving such an incident. Love your shit and I love the channel
Lol when you cut that block open it reminded me of ear wax lol
Very cool!
Ever have that Magpul MBUS front sight melt? Heard roumors that they can on a gas block, but doubt it.
Всюду, где можно жить, можно жить хорошо.
Damn bro, u deserve more views and subscribers! Great channel
Full auto fried gel Friday!

Very interesting how the heat of the rounds melted the gel, cool!
The fmj actually looked more impressive to me. Deeper while still being extremely consistent, abd amazing energy dump (how much it danced around).
Нельзя быть ребенком, который стоит на водной горке и долго думает, что делать. Вы должны спуститься по желобу.
i miss jasparito
Do a .450 marlin ballistic gel test
Цельтесь в Луну… ибо даже если Вы промахнетесь – приземлитесь на одной из звезд
Would love to see you pair up with taoflerermaus amd get some slow mo action!
Put the FLAMETHROWER to the ballistic gel!!!!
Hey,I have a stupid idea,what if you compare 500 s&w magnum vs 7.62×39 and other rifle cartridges
I would love to see some full auto pistols. Thanks for the uploads.
Жизнь – большая ценность. Она дается только один раз. Не тратьте ее на плохие отношения, плохой брак, плохую работу, плохих людей. Мудро расходуйте свою жизнь на то, что вам хочется делать.
Hey Scott you should have a few of the big bore air guns on ur channel also,, you do a great job in your videos so I’m sure you would capture the air gun community as well.. just a thought
Awesome video!! I don’t usually watch full auto videos because they make me sad that I’ll prob never own one lol
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U f*cked that
Не нервничай. Делай свою работу спокойно, радостно и беззаботно.
The way the ballistic gel danced on the table reminded me of my gut when I run.
. Thanks Scott.
Думаю, надо получать удовольствие от скачки, пока ты на коне.
When will the A10 Warthog make an appearance on FAF?
It's full auto Friday and you've got your gun on semi auto i am SO disappointed
Если не заходить слишком далеко, то как узнать, на что вы способны?
Good work like your vids
Where did you get that knife?
Do you own stock in that folding table company?
Scott, did you're wife get mad about the table?