Check out Carlos’s Instagram and Holster company below!
Make sure to catch Eli on ‘Brothers in Arms’ on the History Channel!
Freddie has a new D&D podcast you have to check out!
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… er meh gerd supa swet setup
You can put an ambidextrous lower on any armalite rifle
12:23 that dude muzzles several people's legs/feet with the AR. its a good safety practice to always keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction.
gas piston AR does not="just as reliable as an AK"… there are so many more variables than just the gas system. an AR is still an AR no matter its gas system. it has tight tolerances so once dirt gets in there are major issues, with the AK's loose tolerances there is space for dirt to collect and get blown out of the gun. im not a fanboy of either, both are amazing rifles.
Go watch forgotten weapons for their ak test.
12 minutes 86 seconds you got this
ah the old AK-15 vs AR-47 debate
good reminder that most people try to shoot the pistol tree 2 fast.
Just realized I will never get an ambi mag release lower.
A piston doesn't make it more reliable, its how the gun is built.
"sAmE ReLyAbILiTy aS An Ak fErdy SiVn"
Remember kiddies, you can own this too one day if you oppose communists like Fienstien and Schumer.
Great video! I've got that same pws mk116 mod 2m by far one of my favorite rifles.
AWesome! I'd like to see more vids with this group shooting themed. Maybe other locations, weapons and shooting challenges! Make it a series!
Considering how dangerous guns are I’m surprised no on got shot XD
That looks like fun
Short stroke piston. Not AK long stroke. Piston AR-15s are heavier, less accurate, and no more reliable than direct impingement. Why do Hipsters love piston ARs? God and Stoner collaborated on the ar10 design.
Why do the comments in gun videos always seem to be so critical? As long as no ones doing anything blatantly stupid, just let the guys have some fun
Node is like a version of the try guys that managed to keep their bollocks
California gun legislation=WACK AF!
What does the ar stand for in at-15
Im not used to these videos not having any censorship XD
0 attempts to avoid demonetization, which uh…makes sense, given the context of the video.
Freddie contemplates life