Yesterday, the House Constitutional Protections and Sentencing Subcommittee passed House Bill 1264. This pro-gun legislation will soon be heard in the House Judiciary Committee and your Representative needs to hear from you!
House Bill 1264 sponsored by Chairman Andy Holt, would create a new concealed carry permit in Tennessee that would make it more accessible for Tennesseans to exercise their right to self-defense. The new permit will allow for concealed carry only and will not apply to higher education campuses. Further, the training required in the bill can be a hunter education course or firearm safety course, and can be taken online. By creating a new concealed carry permit, Tennesseans are able to choose which permit option is best for them and their lifestyle in order to exercise their constitutional right to self-defense.
Please contact your state Representative and strongly urge them to SUPPORT House Bill 1264 when it comes up for a vote.
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