CMMG recently announced their RipBrace which is a collaborative effort with SB Tactical converting the popular SBA3 to a retractable pistol brace engineered for lightning-fast deployment to personal settings. Fastback Technology was initially pioneered in the RipStock used in the Banshee releases earlier this year. To work the Ripbrace, you simply pull straight back to extend the brace. No locking tabs to bind. P3 Technology (Personal Position Preset) allows you to adjust the preset with a single screw.
In this video we are using the MK57 Banshee in 5.7x28mm:
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That small version seems pretty pointless. I’ll save my money for something else
Are you using prescription safety glasses?
What’s the price? I missed it I guess.
Nice product.
If you shoulder a brace your a $#%.
It's cool, but I personally don't think it's worth the money
Very cool… CMMG is making some cool products lately.. First the Banshee, DefCan, and now the Rip Brace… Great video bro!
Do you happen to know how it compares size-wise to the LWRC ultra compact stock?
I always liked Wombat. Takes me back to VSO circa 2015
I run my brace on the lowest setting should I buy this?
Pretty cool
I like semi too compared to safe
I bet 3 dollars wombat is gay. (Not really but he's s sus)
There is a lot of potential with that range, ever plan on changing the setup? More obstacles and/or barriers..
Exceptional content….
Hail Hydra
Are you guys over-selling the gun stock or what. Poor shooting, poor video. One thing; where you wearing regular winter gloves or wearing high-tech shooter gloves?
Gosh Curtis you're a mess on "run n gun". Look like a retarded fat newb…
"Set it and forget it." "Grip it and rip it."