Home AR-15 Mrs Skinny Medic and Her 300 Blackout AR15 Pistol

Mrs Skinny Medic and Her 300 Blackout AR15 Pistol


Mrs Skinny Medic wanted to build her own 300 Blackout Pistol to match her favorite dress. With the help of Faxon Firearms and Wheaton Arms she now has a matching 300 BlackOut AR15 Pistol!

Parts List:
Spikes Tactical Crusader Lower
Faxon Lightweight Bolt Carrier, Barrel, and Carbon Fiber Handguard
Wheaton Arms Comp
Primary Arms 1-6 ACSS Optic
Shockwave Pistol Brase
Geissele Trigger

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  1. That right lady, Christ commanded His followers (that's you and I) to own deadly weapons. Jesus told His disciples, "…if you don't have a sword, sell your coat and buy one." Luke 22:36
    Now the sword in Christ's day was the infantrymen's main battle weapon. Today's equivalent would be the M16, Tavor, AK47, HK416, M4, SCAR, Steyr AUG etc.

  2. I will just assume, that the bright sunny day light, threw off the color balance…and you have a "Tiffany blue" color, not green? But it all looks good. What length barrel is that?

  3. I'm working on both, but I'm not financially able to do both at the same time. Senior citizens don't have alot of money. Some advice is welcome. Blessings and love to you always and family.

  4. Actually in Texas it is legal to carry a sword now with LTC…. why someone would want to, I have no idea embarrassingly. Awesome weapon great explanation of its features ma'am.

  5. hi, so I am 16 years old and am really getting interested in pursuing a career in a medical type environment anyways, I have noticed as my knowledge of lifesaving tools and instruments increases the less comfortable I feel carrying just a tourniquet and a hemostat gauze. so I just wanted to ask everyone their opinion on a drop leg style medical kit that could ideally house a pocket bvm, tracheal intubation equipment, 6 npa's(3 sizes) 3 opa's (3 sizes) aswell as a few tourniquets (2 CAT) (1 SWAT-T) along with 1 emergency bndge, 2 combat gauze, with vet wrap. aswell as a few other small items, what do you guys think?

  6. Excellent video. If I could just get my wife to have 50% that enthusiasm for shooting. Wife loves the greens, particularly the olive, I would even get her the green truck to match!

    Oh well , can't have everything.

    SM, BTW: Thanks for the great First Aid kits. Have used one of mine for …well…you know..that UNEXPECTED event. Cleaned and bandaged fine. All is well. Maintenance on one of the John Deere's and I was not careful. HA!, yeah…that green again.


  7. Could you make a Video or give some tipps about how to store ampoules for injections in an First Aid Kit (if someone is allergic, dieabetic or pain medications etc.)? Most IFAK Pouches etc. have no place for that and if someone isn't a medic, he won't carry a extra ampoule kit. Thank you very much in advance!

  8. Anyone messes with Mrs. Skinny Medic, they don't need to worry about Skinny Medic coming to their rescue. It will be too late. There won't be anything left of them when Mrs. is done with them.

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