Home AR-15 BCM Ar-15 upper unboxing

BCM Ar-15 upper unboxing


Just received my BCM mid-length upper with the T-12″. Thought I’d unbox it for you guys instead of just showing what I got. UPDATE: I now have a Black Magpul AFG on it along with the Magpul B.A.D. lever. For my sight I have the EoTech 512 on it.

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  1. One thing I can say about BCM products are they are top-of-the-line! Even there buffer tubes have no squeak to them or rattle. When you charge your AR it's pretty quiet! Spike's Tactical is as well. But not many others. Buffer tubes aside this is really nice

  2. yes join the NRA it's not the big monster as described by the libs. it us, the people, it's the folks who never stop fighting for us to maintain our God given right so self protection guaranteed by the 2nd amendment. if you own a gun and are not a member…smh…..

  3. All you need on this one for essentials is some decent backup sights (magpul makes a great pair), a good optic that suits your needs and you should be all set. Anything else after that is personal preferences such as the magpul B.A.D lever, tactical flashlights, for grip and countless other options. In my humble opinion, you want to keep it in a condition that is ready at a moments notice and not so many upgrades that you have taken the rifle past the point of tactical and into the realm of unpracticle. Now if it's only going to be for competition, there are some different types of options you may want to go with but for the most part, a good, light, ambi control, mil spec will be the best choice for a go to weapon. I hope that the information helps and have a blessed day.

  4. I wish bcm would get away from all the tacticool marketing and focus on making high quality products. All the posters and swag is unnecessary just increases the price. Also all their gunfighter spokes people… Anyway I am happy with bcm rifle.

  5. I'm looking to get a completed BCM upper and I was wondering if it came with a gas tube and block or if those have to be purchased and installed separately? 
    Anyways, nice rifle man; looks good!

  6. No 16" barrels are perfectly legal and no need to fill out any paperwork, the lowest you can go without filling out any paperwork is a 14.5" barrel with a permanently attached muzzle break/comp/flash hider.

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