Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR-7 First Look!

Streamlight TLR-7 First Look!


Streamlight TLR-7 First Look! Please join me in the comment section below. Thanks for watching and God Bless!
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  2. Bring on the comparo, Marine. We look forward to it.

    The wife and I run TLR-6 Light-Lasers on all of our Glocks (19, 26, 43), with Kydex-compatible holsters for each (43 fits in the 26 holster and both fit her Sticky Holster)…..and we both carry appendix, opposite-side, cross-draw.

    But, while the 100 lumens are plenty, not against 500 by any stretch. And I'm hoping Streamlight does a combo….or do through already?

    Semper Fi, Marine!……Rangers Lead The Way!

  3. Now that's more like it. A light that is not so huge. Never could rationalize why a weapons mounted light needed to have hours of run time. A self defense situation or clearing a home is not going to last more than a few minutes. Also it doesn't need to have 200 yrds of throw distance. Especially given the fact that we're civilians and we operate in a 3000 square foot or less home. Beyond that use your EDC flashlight.

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