One of the most upgraded part on an AR15 is the stock. This is a video showing the procedures of a removal of collapsable AR15 stock.
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I have a mr223, and for the love of my life I am not able to loosen that screw. They must have used glue or something. And I don't want to apply too much force. Any proposals?
Good video – covered everything I needed to know. Thanks!
Best video on removing buttstock so far , very well detail . Thanks
Even though you loaded this video 8 years ago, THANK YOU!!!!!!
great job bro thanks alot
Thank you this is seriously helpful!
Thank you chanderson1! My collapsible stock got stuck and I could not get it out until I saw your tear-down and then I could see what I was doing wrong. You are still a big help. Thanks man!
Outstanding video. Thank you.
Thanks!! very well done
Thanks for great vid. Helped me out.
Your tip at the 1:20 mark was VERY helpful. I had no idea how easy it is to swap out that part.
thanks man video helped me alot
Great job.
perfect thanks,, great instructional video
Grrr, after spending well over $150 on the Magpul ASAP, Magpul MS3, the front attachment point, and wrenches, I finally got the damn castle nut off. As I am taking the end plate off, the spring got caught and snapped while I was trying to un-catch it. Now I need to buy a ten cent part. Sigh.
Thanks, very informative for a newbie like myself,,,
I have been away from my ar for a while and I could be wrong about this but isn't the castle nut supposed to be staked. I can't remember but if it is you should probably mention it cause some people might have a issue with that depending on the manufacturer of the gun. Just a tip
Thanks for this! I recently acquired a Rock River Arms Predator Pursuit, which comes with the classic fixed stock. I'm definitely going to be upgrading to a collapsible stock when I can afford it.
I just got an Ar, if i want to just replace the stock so I have to take all that off? I'm going to get a Magpul Moe.
Just got another AR, wanted to put a ASAP-QD. It is a modified Stop-plate. Your video was a great help, especially with the two little springs & the buffer tube spring. After watching your video I changed out both in about 15 min.s. Thank you for the hlep.