Home AR-15 How to Zero a Red Dot (Easy Beginners Guide)

How to Zero a Red Dot (Easy Beginners Guide)


New Red Dot Ready to Go, now Let’s get it Zeroed. Here are the basic Fundamentals & Easy Steps to a Zeroed Optic

How to Battlesight Zero an AR15: 50 Yard Vs. 25 Yard BZO Explained!!!! Part Three

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  1. i have a question i have does this method only apply to the ar-15? also i have a sks with no original rear sight but has a rail on it so i put a red dot to replace the missing rear sight. i used this method at 50 yards in a indoor range and for some reason i can not get my sks to zero at all. i used a barrel laser and leveled the rifle to have the laser point dead center at 50 yards and then lined my red dot to the laser. for some reason it still shoot 6" to 1' high. I have been so fustrated with this and even had the range officers help and they couldnt figure out why. The barrel is straight i had that checked. Is there something I am doing wrong

  2. I liked your vid. But if 1 MOA is an inch at 100yards with that scope. And one click is 1 inch adjustment. Then wouldn’t going to a 50 yard range with the same scope make the adjustment still 1 click is 1 inch so at the 50 yard range that would halve the clicks not double them.

  3. So what’s the best distance to sight your red dot for pistol? 25 or 50 yards? If I’m shooting something at 10 yards, I cannot depend on my red dot because it’s already off. Because red dot doesn’t have graduations like regular scopes, how does it work if I’m shooting pests like 20 yards, then 10 yards, then 27 yards, another one at 22 yards? I cannot rely on red dot anymore because I’ll be off since it’s sighted at 25 yards. I’m new at red dot. HELP.

  4. OUTSTANDING GUMP! Now I understand the MOA. It's just a matter of getting to a range and sling some lead on target. When reading the owner's manual the info may not sink in. Nothing like a video. GOOD STUFF.

  5. Just got a Sig Romeo 5 for my AK and can't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle with it & I read the manual…..This video has made it much easier to understand. I'll take it out to my "Out in the back field" range & check out what my feeble mind can remember, but I'm expecting much better results.
    Thanks for taking the time to make this useful vid for all the Old Farts like myself. Much appreciation sent your way.
    Hell, I may as well subscribe too, because I'm always in need of helpful hints & just got a new, to me, Sig M400 AR to set up hunting season is coming up pretty soon. One or both of those weapons is going out in the woods with me & I like a freezer full of Venison Roasts & assorted cuts to enjoy when Hunting Season is just a memory & I Need Meat on the table.
    Thanks Again Kotaboy32 Tactical

  6. Two axis– left/right, up/down are the same as a regular rifle scope.. How about showing the triple axis red dots.. Whole 'nuther ball game. I don''t have a problem doing it since I was trained to use a transit in the Army-Artillery to be exact because we had to know how to survey.

  7. Great video sir I believe you could simplify it even more as if you were explaining it to children lol seriously my mind was like if I aim in the middle and the bullet lands low left then I need to move the red dot low left, but NO! STOP! That's not how these things work! You must pretend you are moving the bullet not the red dot! This is by far the most confusing thing about adjusting sights and it is never explained this way and I believe it would be the best explanation for new shooters because logically that's how our minds work. You explained it without pointing out the obvious but explaining this further would help so many people. Thanks

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