Home Nikon H&R’s Ultra Slug Hunter

H&R’s Ultra Slug Hunter

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  1. I use lightfields. They may not be the best for longest yardage shots like 200yds + like Hornady SST or some of the others but I don't have to track deer with weak blood trails either. The lightfields just have unmatched stopping power and if the deer does happen to run off, there is a massive blood trail. I can't say that with SST and some of the others out there.

  2. A Remington shur shot stock so I suppose Remington ammo… Ah no thanks. Use and love their guns but their ammo has always been junk. Winchester partition gold sabot slugs are all I use and nothing else.

  3. @131JOHAN131 Not all are the same. Our entire hunting party uses these same shotguns and we almost all use different brands of slugs. Its best to find what slug works with your gun. Every gun is different, just be sure to use a Sabot Slug to utilize the range and accuracy of this shotgun.

  4. I have the same slug hunter that he is holding. I have tried every brand of sabot slugs and found that Winchester Partician Golds work best through mine. I also have an Ultra Slug Hunter in 20 gauge that prefers the Remington Copper Solids. Everyone should find the right ammo for their weapon. Each one can be that different. I have a great video showing a 7 and an 8 point being taking with the 12 and the 20 gauge.

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