It’s Full Auto Friday! For today’s video we chew up a twelve pound bowling ball with a full auto AR-15! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!
A special thanks to First Choice Firearms!
Firearm – Bushmaster AR-15 chambered in 5.56
Ammunition – American Eagle 5.56 55 Grain Full Metal Jacket
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Happy FAF everybody!

X great video… I really enjoy full auto Friday…
Trimble co. Here man . Isn't full auto so much fun lol
Do you have any 25. Acp guns?.
hi from argentina!
Do how many tacos would it take to stop a 9mm
This is the most American thing I’ve seen lol
fuck yea
Dude should get a 40 round mag or drum. Good shooting though. Give it an x for a strike.
Cool video

That full auto looks like a suppressed scar on fortnite
@KentuckyBallistics – can you do a video on the Umarex Hammer .50 cal PCP air rifle…. Seems like my, and your type of BB gun

AK vs AR in-depth ballistics?
You need to slow down your framerate to 1080 24 fps maximum. Everybody out there thats watching you on their Google ChromeCast ® is having the VIDEO LAG behind the AUDIO by seconds litterally. You're not the only one , lots of people are filming at a rate the ChromeCast can't handle. Unfortunately it makes it not so much fun to watch and there are millions of people using ChromeCast ® to watch on their big screen tvs. I'm sure it works fine if you are running a late model super fast laptop. But the reality is nowadays thats less likely since there are way more consumers of media who are consuming the media using devices like ChromeCast ® and Apple Tv. Just letting you know in case you are unaware of the situation
Very cool. Never would have ever seen the inside of a bowling ball if not for this video. Very nice control BTW!
Cadê os br porra!?
Kentucky Bowling Ballistics!!!
Y very like your content…. I Like and suscribed
Another great video.

That ball must be the famous Rambo bowling ball, because it sure could take a beating!
Wow is that a silencer? If it is, it's still too loud!!
coool ! now do the bowling ball vs big pistols and rifles
I think it needs a Noreen 7mm or 300 magnum in a side charging AR platform?
Wait, did you say your balls smell weird ?
Damnit , I had to make this an impromptu FAF watched on Saturday because it wasn't in my sub box yesterday. But alas, crisis averted, unless you ask the bowling ball. Problem is , you knocked out all his teeth and can't say shit…..
Homer Simpson called…. he is lookin’ for the bowling ball he dropped and lost on vacation…
Target for next FAF video: A 90's Nokia phone. Watch out for ricochet!
Very nice Scottie

Damn that rate of fire on that thing is nuts.
I bowled horrible on my league last night
if my ball didn't cost $200+ this would've been it's fate…. I'll just save this video and pretend it was mine lol
Dumpsters and now bowling balls, this show is getting better and better best regards som Scandinavia
I always wondered what was inside a bowling ball and you showed me in the most awesome way possible.
Gigantic pumpkin, 9mm or smaller. Full Auto Friday Pumpkin Carving edition.
GUY: goes into local bowling alley where's the 15,16 and 18lb balls?
KENTUCKY BALLISTIC: My bad I shot them.
GUY: Fair enough.
Lesson: When hunting the wily North American bowling ball, use something bigger than 5.56 NATO.