Home CMMG Bushmaster .556/.223 AR-15 with Drop In CMMG Stainless .22 Conversion Kit Test...

Bushmaster .556/.223 AR-15 with Drop In CMMG Stainless .22 Conversion Kit Test Firing


Just got my CMMG .22 conversion kit in today for my Ar. After a lot of research I went with the stainless which I found new online with one mag for $159 shipped. Guys to be honest it’s probably the best $150ish I have ever spent on any one accessory for any of my guns. I shot probably 500 rounds out of it from cheap winchester copper coated hollowpoints to nicer CCI mini mags. It had 0 FTF or any feed/ejection problems with the CCI rounds. I had 2 out of 400 rounds of the winchester that FTF but they had a really hard primer strike just like the other rounds so I blame it on bad ammo. Came with a nice .25 round mag.

The entire kit switches out in less than 10 seconds and is ready to shoot. The stainless version is also MUCH easier to clean that the black. I plan on putting at least 1000 rounds through it over the next week so stay tuned for updates.

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  1. +tyreeztt hats off to you for telling that liberal like it is, the dumb ass liberals have been trying to take away guns way before WW1. IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN.. I was just reading through the comments, trolling sorta lol.. I've been having a little trouble with my conversion I recently bought, I've only taken it out twice, first time it didn't do so bad, I cleaned it really well an took it back out, an it kept having a failure to feed issue. The bullet would get stuck with the tip almost in the chamber. It was raining out pretty good, either way, im gonna keep on working with it.

  2. It bothers me when I see people posting how a gun kills people. What if someone used a hammer to kill people? Would you cry for the banishment of hammers? What about a spoon.. or worse… what if he used his hands, as in fists. Would you cry for everyone to have their hands cut off?

    Liberals proclaim themselves as the pariahs of all things intelligence, but at the end of they day, they can't reason at all. A gun is a tool, like a hammer or a rock, it is not a weapon until a PERSON makes it one

  3. An AR-15 was never used in the shooting! It was left inside the car! Guns don't kill people! People who don't value life kill people. Look at the statistics on how many car-related deaths have occurred compared to shootings, you'd be amazed. Stupid Liberal….

  4. if he wanted too, he could have used a pressure cooker bomb and mailed it to the school then remotely detonate it. he could have stabbed those kids if he wanted. he was an evil man, he would've bought a gun smuggled from mexico if he wanted too. our government smuggles guns to drug cartels, and your blaming pea-cable citizens from something that rarely ever happens rather than focusing on the snakes in the government who kill 700,000 people every year with their so called medical care?

  5. weapons dont kill people, people kill people. if the ar wasn't invented then he would have used an ak, or a tec 9 or any other gun for that matter. if guns were outlawed all the law abiding citizens would have no guns to protect themselves. do you think the criminals would turn in there guns because its against the law to own them? when shtf you will be wishing you had a gun…

  6. military has been killing people in other countries with guns like this for 30 years.. 20 kids are victims to a gun ban push and now you want the government in the drivers seat. besides that wheres the evidence and security footage from these mass shootings? movie theaters and schools have cameras.. if you want me to believe what your telling me then show me the evidence.. otherwise i got questions. because so far everything they have told me has been a lie and everything is a secret.

  7. so your telling me, if he didn't have access to an AR-15, his brain would have reverted into a functioning piece of society, no probably not, he probably would have used a damn knife, cause in the end, he's still fucking crazy

  8. Nice, can't wait to use mine tomorrow. And to all the people who think this weapon is the reason why people die, you're dumb, guns don't people, people do. Just like how spoons don't make people fat, people make themselves fat.

  9. Given your comments on everyone on youtubes videos I bet you're a real pillar in your community you brain dead dope head. And you have the nerve to call me inbred and brainwashed for posting a .22 conversion video? People like you are whats wrong with this world. Probably drawing a check, smoking dope, playing xbox all day long while mommy makes your grilled cheese sandwiches because you're to lazy to get off your ass and work for a living.

  10. Sadly this was a simply video about turning a AR-15 into a fun plinking .22 rifle for recreational use and showing the kits reliability given a lot had feeding errors while target shooting and you as well as a few others resort to calling people inbred and brainwashed for owning the weapon. With that being said, fuck you homie 🙂

    BTW your last several comments on peoples videos cracks me up-
    " 840swed840 replied to a comment from Jordan Cubby 4 hours ago

    are you a complete retard?"

  11. but also more importantly I own one because it's my second amendment right to be one of the several million responsible people to own a weapon like this in the United States to protect you from the handful of nuts that own one just like it that want to harm you.

  12. No problem. Like many other things it's a hobby. I've been shooting since a very young age, hunted all of my life and former law enforcement so I have shot MANY different kinds of weapons. Guns like this are simply more "fun" to shoot. Think of it this way. A basic gun is practical for hunting but a gun like this is "fun" to shoot although not necessary to own. A basic car is practical to drive but a sports car is more "fun" to drive although no necessary own. Hope that helps with your research!

  13. That was the question I proposed to myself at first… but take into account that I have a LOT of .22 rifles and pistols, I really just love the caliber for fun. The appeal is that you can take your AR and fire it all day long for $15ish bucks and have an absolute blast with your full rig.

  14. @redsuncivic – Woot, I didn't know the Remingtons were copper coated in bulk. I bought a large box of the copper coated winchesters that done really well too. Yeah a few rounds of .556 or .223 is very necessary to clean out a nasty gas tube after several boxes of .22. I also scrubbed the insides out for about 30 minutes plus after i got home lol Still so worth it though.

  15. @redsuncivic – I've not tried the remington. I am trying to run only copper coated through it right now. The CCI mini mags are what everyone said were the best and so far they are right. They have a lot more punch to them too. $6 for 100 of them sure beats $35+ for 100 rounds of .556.

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