Today we’re taking a look at the Thorsden FRS-15, a featureless rifle stock option for your AR-15. We’re going compare its ergonomics to a full feature rifle and give our thoughts on the stock itself. Is it usable? Is it a comparable option to running a featured rifle?
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by Magique Fonts –

With all due respect, I love your channel, but you spelled the name of the product wrong. Its THORDSEN not Thorsden. I had the same issue in past trust me, hard to get it right. I suggest you update the title. Im just tryjng to help. Big fan of your channel (and also a big fan of Alan Thordsens' FRS-15 stock)
yeah thordsen's are better off with the ambi safety. i use strike industries fin with the thumb shelf, problem is the fin covers the safety and you cant do the ambi safety trick cause the thumb shelf is in the way. "you'd have to get a safety with a wacky amount of degrees".
Featureless is better…
really!!!! 3:36 and we are taking advice form them WTF…..
weep for Kommie Kalifornia. this will only get worse before it gets better. i'll bet they're even tracking online orders for the Thordsen and other kits to come after you later . . .
tbh I just want one because it looks weird
I loved this video! I loved the echo and boom of the round being fired! It sounded like I was actually there with you having a great time just plinking away! Great great video with very helpful Information. You got yourself a new subscriber!
you guys have tiny hands and fingers. related to trump? i have no issues to reach.
yea I just leave mine broken down in parts till SHTF. Until then I just have a bunch of AR parts laying around. I refuse to buy parts
that make shooting my AR more difficult.
Is it bad i prefer the look of the FRS
No politics? The ONLY reason you are even talking about this is politics.
In New Yorkistan we can't have an EVIL threaded barrel either ..
Great review
They ban bump stocks because they are deemed unsafe and uncontrolled shot yet they add restrictions on a gun that could cause a mishap for the shooter… Liberals are complete and total idiots. Trump better remember who voted for him he continues to stomp on the 2nd amendment I will not be voting for this picker head.
Can we sue California if we get carpal tunnel?
Elftmann makes a push button safety like you would find in a shotgun or normal hunting rifle that is much better t use if your going this route.
The stock seems like it would give you a natural high firm pistol grip which would lead to better accuracy.
don't you have to leave the bullet button on in CA?
The title of this video should be Nerd with a turd.
featureless sounds stupid af, and looks stupid af.
I'm actually shocked they didn't demand the removal of the bolt catch system.
$175? Dude you didn't shop around. Igor my enhanced for $128 shipped.
What muzzle device is that. Couldnt get a good look. Cause it looks like the YH Phantom, a flash hider.
Install an A2 buttstock and a MonsterMan grip for $80 and you're good to go. Spend the extra $95 you would have spent on the Thordsen for ammo.
Looks like shit
They will ban that eventually too. They want to go after mini-14/M1A style rifles next, and these "featureless" rifles will be included in that. They want to make the state void of the second amendment. That is their stated goal.
Completely pointless. Fuck this state and all the little totalitarians in it. I encourage EVERYONE here to break the illegal and unjust laws passed by our oppressors
add a partick henry trigger guard, has a extra finder grip
what brand ar is that
175?????? I got it for $100 at the gun show
the huy who wants to be in the military but never joined.
People's Republic of Chin…hem…California
I'm new to the whole gun scene in Cali, but can't a bunch of law abiding citizen who owns ARs and the power of the NRA not stop this? It seems like the NRA is just milking the situation along with companies who make complaint parts. Just my take on this situation.
thank u good video
we're did u buy your tactical belt it looks like it could hold a lot of magazines
Come to North Carolina. Much prettier and cheaper place to live. No restrictions and we even allow open carry.
California sucks……
Anyone know if the L.A.M. grip is compliant with the featureless requirement?
….. That is a sad bastardization of a perfectly good rifle. California makes me sad.
Nice one screech, couple of screw ups, couple of geeks that shouldn't be making videos .
fucking gay
I've got one of these. I like it, but it just doesn't feel 100% right from the firing position. Compared to a grip wrap, it's 10/10.
You definitely need an ambi safety if you use this stock.
Buy it at your local gun show for cash and you'll save a bit. Think I paid $125 cash for the stock + $15 the enhanced buffer cover.
commiefornia politicians are only taking away the upperhand of decent Americans, not the bad guys. Gangmembers r not going to comply. This is ridiculous.