Hunting bark scorpions in my back yard in Arizona with a UV black light flashlight.
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That thing is as big as a lobster. Too bad you can't eat them.
nice job. BTW, best UV flashlight for us has been this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BBJZXNC Can see em 50ft away!
Actor Lee Van Cleef back in the day said " my mother mated with a scorpion" meaning he was pissed off. He often played the role of the villain and had that look. Lol!
you only need a regular flashlight then use the scotch tape and sharpie trick (it is cheaper)
Glad I live in New England and don't have to worry about these things
I have the light I got it for christmas
That is really cool!
his not mad his in pain you took his stinger off. if you get stung use wd40 it takes away the pain within 20 seconds rather then 24 hours
Scorpion Master LED UV flashlight from Walmart works great. Only $8.00. Found in the pest control aisle. The ones around here usually glow bright yellow, but I found one that was an intense blue/green. It otherwise looked like the others. Don't know why the color was different.
Ha went scorpion hunting tonight as well! Killed 30, and 2 got away. They're a given if you live in arizona.
Small claws, bug stinger. I don't think I'd be picking that boy up in the dark using my bare hands.
give that man a cookie!
scorpions are hard to find
Hey, what type of uv flashlight you used?
and i hope you're the first one. hahaha
Unless they are the really toxic species. There are like none in the US that are like that.
Or, if you are allergic to bee stings. It can be fatal.
Is it true that if you get bitten from a scorpion, you'll die?
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just found one in my kitchen, palm springs area in CA, a little brown one, real thin arms and legs, chubby belly, thought it could be a pregnant female? any idea what type it could have been?
obama should roll around naked on top of a mountain of these little guys
Are scorpions common in your arizona backyard?
humans need to fall off of the face of the earth -_-
@mickeymurrs Thanks..I ordered two of these from Amazon and they seem like a nice light.. 395 nM 51 UV Ultraviolet LED flashlight Blacklight 3 AA, 7202UV395 Have a nice one.
What blacklight are you using for this? I would like to get one but don't want to get ripped off..
i made the same kind of videos and im from AZ too!
@mickeymurrs why are you getting all offensive, he just asked a yes or no question
I went on a camping to Parker damn az and I found 2 adult desert hairy scorpions and 1 baby bark scorpion under a piece of sheet metal
@mickeymurrs fuck scorpions, but really who isnt allergic? i mean maybe if you have been stung a bunch you would slowly start to become immune, but for the most part i think everyone is allergic… but still fuck scorpions.
@mickeymurrs The guy in this video keeps a pair of enormous brass balls in his underwear that seem to repel the scorpions just fine.
IF i shine infra-red led , will I see also infrared?
pls. answer
I got stung by one of those and it was about the same size but it didn't much damage it was like a bee sting. But i've seen a little kid get stung by one and he had to be hospitalized.
movies@mickeymurrs Don't worry, iwao72 is 25 years old, new science fiction movies, you know…
@mickeymurrs Relax, you missunderstood him, the question is about a movie in which an alien called Predator spotted his human enemies the way you do with the scorpions. Well, in fact with infrared vision, not UV. He is not insulting you…
What a wonderful land I live on! We don't have scorpions, dangerous snakes or spiders, hurricanes, tornados,… just some millions of aliens from North Africa and South America. living from our taxes.
Would there be any desert hairies if you go upstate into the Grand Canyon?