Home AR-15 Parkland shooting suspect says he bought AR-15 because it was ‘cool looking’

Parkland shooting suspect says he bought AR-15 because it was ‘cool looking’


Parkland shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz talks about his guns in newly released video from after his arrest.

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  1. Where were the parents? Why are people having kids an ignoring them? If you have a child, lock up your damn guns.. We must improve the Mental health system an make it harder for morons to get guns. Know that the heartless gun lobby could care less. I have been fighting against them since 81

  2. Is this legal to medicate him then interview him with no legal representation, he appears stoned as hell. What ever he did he still has rights because we are supposed to be better than the criminals.

  3. This is bullshit just to reinforce them attempting to strip our gun rights. Parkland was a false flag operation with multiple shooters as identified by many students. This kid is probably a mk ultra victim of circumstance.

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