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I can tell you are a progressive thinker. what no one has thought of here is facing the barrel to have 2 perfect faces that meet. One don't do any good if the other is crooked. I like that fact that you are a machinist and I can tell you are picky and I like that. send me a tool you have when you remake it because I know you have a better idea for it.
Funny thing. After watching your video and you talking about how hard it is to find an AR 10 lapping tool. I ordered an AR 15 lapping tool and they sent me an AR 10 lapping tool. Made by wheeler. On the box, it actually said “for AR 15. I guess now I’ll be breaking down all of my AR 10 and AR 10 variants and using that tool until I purchase the AR 15 version. Great video and by the way I’m doing them all vertically. Genius!
I get very anally retentive about lapping compound left behind on critical surfaces. I invested in a relative inexpensive Chinese ultrasonic cleaner and use a 50/50 mix of industrial Simple Green and distilled water. I pre-clean the parts with Duracoat’s solvent (seriously strong stuff!) then run the parts in the cleaner for 10 minutes.
That may be a bit much, but that lapping compound will get deposited EVERYWHERE when that first round is fired in the assembled gun.
Ok step one. Buy a CNC machine.
When finished take the receiver to the sink and wash with hot soapy water. Use an old tbrush to scrub it down. Then dry with clean microfiber.
I'm guessing that there's no concern about shortening the barrel alignment notch?
I am glad I did mine by hand I was worried a drill would remove to much material, now I wish I had bought a lapping tool a longtime ago, but I am glad I got it before I built this upper since it is my CMP Service Rifle Upper
You got a subscription for this from me.
Thank you! I am finally at the end of a long and exhaustive research on Lapping. Using a drill and horizontally applying pressure never sat right with me. Great video!
lapping compound should be thoroughly cleaned with sometime of thinner inside and out.
Hey bro, would you be willing to make and sell one of those ar10 lapping tools?
Love your videos and your graphics.
This is how videos should be made. Straight, to the point, with excellent camera work and camera angles.
Great video. Just out of curiosity does anyone make an aluminum or copper crush washer that could be used instead of lapping? I know it wouldn’t be as accurate as lapping but I’m sure there are people who would use it to improve accuracy of their current setups.
5:08 Yeah, I fucked that up

Some lapping compound got down to where bcg rides & took it down to the WHITE! Gonna hit it with some Birchwood Casey, boil it in a gallon of distilled water with an ounce of nitric acid to seal it.
Awesome, thanks for the video
I shipped my upper to Dedicated Technology in Minnesota and had them square it. They’re pricing is less than buying the tool.
Well done, informative, to the point, and not filled with a bunch of worthless information. Thank You…
Nice video mate. I reckon I always lap my receiver vertically, to eliminate, or at least minimize the effects of gravity on the upper receiver. Plus there's no reason to attach the lapping tool to a drill, if your compound is abrasive enough, and cuts properly, then the surface should clean up and level out real nice – creating the perfect geometry to the bore. Cheers from Western Australia.
Great series! A ton of outstanding info.
is this a ruger precision rifle?