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shit kicks like a mf
How much jacking to get forearms like those? sets and reps?
Ultra Fan!been on dates but no bad ones
had a mk114 mod 1….now have a mk111 sage dynamics mod 2…only ARs I will buy
@Garand_Thumb CZ P-07 review
What backpack is that?
for people that say the forward assist isnt a good thing then ask you self why S&W for the M&P added the forward assist back to the sport 2 when le and everyone else complained that the old sport had a out of battery problem
So what about "all that type of stuff" and "that type of thing"?
Back in 98 as afresh boot, I was talking to this chick that worked at the subway on base. We went out and ended up knockin bots in the barracks. When I took her home, I noticed we were going the opposite way of housing or the main gate. I drop her off in Officer Housing land and asked her who the fuck her dad was. Thinking he was at best some Maj, she tells me her dad is the base Chaplin. …Strange events and several NJPs were to follow
20 minute video? I had to double check, I thought I was listening to NUTNFANCY for a sec
Daddy Garand Thumb!!!!!!!!!!!! You sexy hunk you!!!
Ive had the pleasure of shooting one of these things.

Enslave me, Daddy Garand.
Different strokes for different folks ;D long or short
I forgot to like and comment so I watched it again so I could like and comment properly this time. Can I have a cookie?
I locked myself in her bathroom. She was so beautiful…
Look cowboy I'm gonna be real here, can you give me a hickey?
Um, just one question…..Is HK416 like the holy trail of the rifles?? And this AR15 is challenging it??
Interstellar briliiant
check out sionics man I'm digging the gas port size on my 11.5 from them. very smooth impulse.
It’s affordable. So yes it’s better than the 416.
And it’s not some crazy German obsessed with trying to gas people it doesn’t like. Hk Cough cough
This episode is pushing all the right buttons! One of my favorite films and my favorite AR manufacturer. I'm a happy man.
My PWS Mk116 Mod1 has been amazing so far.
I see you changed your plate carrier up again. What's that big flat brown pouch on the right side of your cummerbund?
Soooo they removed one of best parts of the AR by adding additional mass that moves at the front of the gun?
Video on Sig516?
It was my girlfriend at the times’ bday and I was driving us out to meet with her friends that we were going to bar hop with and whatnot. I got us temporarily lost, she got impatient, and that started a rather unpleasant fight. Eventually we made it, but her bs lasted the span of the evening.
Lesson here guys is make sure you’ve got a Garmin Foretrex wristband gps in your kit or just a reliable gps and don’t just rely on your macho sense of direction.
I could listen to Daddy talk about long operating rods all day!
Worst Date : Dumped at the beach after Senior prom. Instead of getting lucky sat around the fire and drank beers while she hung out with my “so called friend”who she really liked. She ended up marrying the guy so had to get over it but what a waste of of a great tux and expensive dinner. Uuugh
Okay bad date story. One time on a first date, we were at this Mexican joint that was super good. (Just sayin) But she started asking me all these weird hypothetical questions. The weirdest one being “if you were in a coliseum and these guys just tossed my child to the lions for believing in Christ, what would you do?” My answer of course was that I’d promptly feed them to the lions. Her response, as she looked down and shook her head in disappointment, “you should have said you’d hug them and pray with them.”
I didn’t know what to say so I did what I think any man would do and sat in silence while I ate my smothered burrito.
There was no second date…
I've got the PWS MK214 AR10, shoots 5/8 inch at 100yds and is just badass! I love the piston gun. Damn thing just runs and runs! Never had a problem with it 5k rnds down the tube.
Absolutely agree on the forward assist. I've also noticed that most guys who served in a combat MOS tend to use it , where as most civilian only recreational, or competative shooters do not.
All these people comparing long stroke vs. short stroke but no one is talking about the serious problems.
Like getting a reliable ejection.
Can I review flannel daddy's piston?
Stick something big in there. Ok daddy
That flashlight do not gonna get dirty?