Home EOTech Eotech 512 on a Mossberg 930 SPX and Range Report

Eotech 512 on a Mossberg 930 SPX and Range Report


Eotech 512 on a Mossberg 930 SPX and Range Report

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  1. I like eotech and i can hold real tight groups with the cheap remington slugs and iv shot thousands of rounds of birdshot through it and that sight does wonders never moves and is just a great sight one question though why wouldnt you put that sight on a pump gun i got one on my 500a and it works great only thing i had to do was raise my cheek piece up a little with some green foam padding and some duck tape

  2. @talisman9000
    Maybe your low recoil or bird shot problems went away but most of the mossberg will shot it from the box some require a brake in period with high power shells before it starts to cycle the low brass ammo.

  3. If you want a higher sight plane from the buttstock, you should check out the 'Monte Carlo' stock they put on the 'Slugster', it sits your cheek about an inch higher for the EoTech or just THE SIGHTS as they are already high ENOUGH! Is your gun 'Parkerized' or is it blued at all? I have 'the new vesion' and am wondering what the diff is besides the barrel thickness. I'm doing the stock conversion to my new 930 SPX, finally has a front sling mount on it now too!!

  4. I have to agree with you on this shotgun there excellent. I gave one to my son for his 16th birthday in Jan. Yes this shotgun will shot and feed the cheap birdshot which is nice for practice. Thanks for the video.

  5. Thanks for the vid. Looks sweet, especially with that side saddle. Have been enjoying your channel for a while. Keep up the good work.

    PS. What is the name of the shot gun scabbord you have above it. Looks kick ass.

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