In this episode of Bodybuilder VS Ross Smith shoots me with an AR15 Can Cannon! This crazy gun challenge definitely has some fails in it but it still shows how my insanely strong muscles can withstand any challenge! Getting shot with this gun attachment pretty much feels like getting shot by a giant airsoft bb which I am sure I mere mortal human wouldn’t be able to handle. This video also without a doubt puts Demolition Ranch to shame which now makes me the coolest gun channel on YouTube.
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Executive Producers:
Ben B., Luke Carey, Dylon Gauman, Bryan Mckay, Jack Conely, Sean Lucas, Brian Yager, Rich McGinley, Thomas Dority, Seth Crum, Stephen O’Hara, Brent Rothwell, Chris Wolfe, Joshua King, Carl Elli, Matt Glassie, Jimmy Sewell, Jester, Andrew Wade, Bryan Northe, Shawn Rasi, Scott Eriksen, Billy Jarvis, Colton Felchak, Barrett Hood, Scott Eriksen, Nicolas Nevarez, Anthony Rivera, Pooja Gupta Muhamad, Brad Barnett, Nathaniel Shelton, Kyle Perea, David Garvin, Know Nuthin’ Archer, Andrew Tinio, Sean Morris, David Ruiz, Logan Xavier Doyle, Noe Valdivia, Jordan “Jory” Robison, Seth Erie, Christopher Reid, Justin Rustmann, Cameron Fasske, Michael Christensen, Connor T. Leake, Steve Bear, Cameron Arroyo
That One Guy, Paul Orr, David Craig, Gianna DelCioppio, Bradley Shutler, Jim Edwards, Chris Powell, Zona Holsters, Carson Barnett, Jett Carter, Chris Speich, Gavin Holdgate, Mahoganie Williams, Gabriel, Nordin Ben Allal, James, Kevin WInslow, Ian T Holdread, Mrsherman229, David Endre Feaman, Richard Hogberg, Jon McNatt, Lucas, Hayden Winters, Thomas McCormick, Mallory Wood, Michel Gauthier, Justin Smyiff, Tyler Nesmachnov, Miguel Jovel
Bodybuilder VS is a series where I play the role of a stereotypical cocky bodybuilder and take on funny/crazy challenges.
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Those definitely were not adult latex toys and if you think they are you're the weird one! Also if you want to know why my skin looked somewhat damaged in this video I highly recommend you watch the 4 part series I made wit Ross Smith and his Grandma.
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Take a break! Heal up
Дебилоидный ролик ниачём
Что за сыпь?Сифак или спидос как кой нить?
Bodybuilder vs bath of oobleck
Hahaha it's delicious and nutritious

Do another body builder vs fireworks
You literally shot yourself with a dick
You know, I'm pretty hard myself
Next could be a rubber police baton hit

Bro you have great body and good skin but you destroy it…
Omg you posted on my birthday thank you SOOOO much♥️♥️♥️♥️
Soon you aren't gonna have a single patch of skin on your body that isn't a scar XD
Houston, take a break bro let your body heal up
Pepper spray taser or some hot sauce challenge is great but you’re doing too much damage to yourself just look at those scars I feel really bad for you
Take care
Body builder vs blanks
He looks pretty bad stop for a little time to heal
His body looks like a dead body
Contact jackass!! Start your own crew and working with the old one
You distroyed your body for YouTube. Really?
No more healing baby. You look like shit
Dude your body
This retard is like one of those depressed 13 year old girls that act all depressed and cut themselves. But with a Mike Tyson voice. Fkn retard
10/10 pain tolerance

. Now do the bodybuilder vs bullet ant challenge
Body builder vs weed wacker please
dude stop fuckin up your body those scars are ugly do other crazy shit that doesn't involve scaring yourself that much that aint going to heal boutta have them ugly scars be permanent o.o
Dang, a lacrosse ball and the can cannon would make a great riot deterrent.
You got shot by a large dong?

Dude you look a mess. Bear spray assult corse would be good
Dude your body man
Love ur vids but I think you should give ur wounds time to heal so please take care so u can keep making vids that love watching thanks.
bro your skin looks like Swiss cheese and shredded sausage… obviously thats YOUR bodies natural regeneration process. but still. DAMN u look FUCKED!
At 2:02 when you have an interlude message, you should edit the video where you slowly come up from the bottom of the screen and then slowly drift back down out of view when your done you did that in one of your previous videos and it was HILARIOUS!..
Bodybuilder versus electric chair
Buddy hasn't even healed from his last few videos and he makes another video
Please take a break
For your health
You could use the time to come up with a bunch of new video ideas
We can wait
The waiting only makes it better
Great vid
You are the crazy
man all these youtubers complaining about how bad their day is, and then theres this guy
so would that be considered a cock-rocket?