Home CMMG Tactical Lever Gun: MI Henry Mlok Handguard

Tactical Lever Gun: MI Henry Mlok Handguard


Midwest Industries (MI) Introduces their MLOK Handguard for the Henry Lever action rifles. What do you want a tactical lever gun for? This allows the attachment of accessories (Like lights) to the rifle, something that we take for granted with most of our other rifles. This makes hunting at or near dark much more viable, especially when we are talking about dangerous game, like wild boar, where we may want the heavier calibers available in lever guns. For instance, in this video I am using my Henry All-weather in 45/70 gov. These rails are also available for Marlin rifles if you want a poverty pony.

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  1. I own both JM stamped Marlins and Remlins, I still take them over a tube fed Henry any time. The rail is not bad but I did a mod for less then $30, there is a video on Youtube how to fit a picatinny barrel mount, you have to DIY mod it but fits well and lets you mount lights on it. I also run a scout mount, and use a mount that comes of that rail to the side so you can fit a light, less then $5!

  2. $160 for that! Lol get real

    Come on Midwest industries. That piece of stamped aluminum shouldn't be $50 off the shelf. I'll pass!! Soon enough some Chinese company will make one for $35.00 I'm sure it's practical but looks stupid on a lever gun honestly…unless your a tacticool type internet ninja who likes that sort of crap

  3. Why not just get a headlamp that has both white and red lights so you don't destroy your night vision or swing a rifle in the direction of another hunter trying to illuminate an object? People have used the old military angle head flashlight with the filter inserts for years while operating at night. My father and I did carrying Marlins.

  4. Excellent for Henry owners. Thank you for the head up. Can not load as you go with the Henry…so NO GO for me…My Marlins and the one Remlin 1895SBL I have are top notch fit and finish. Most Remlins seem to be poor tho'.

  5. Interesting concept.

    Seems like a solution to a problem that nobody was experiencing. Although this just proves that I'm right again. A few years ago The Gun Collective's Question of the Week was "What/where do you think the industry should be focusing on within the next few years?" This was when pistol braces were just becoming the new "Gotta have it!" product.

    My answer – Lever Actions.

    And would you look at that!? I'm right again!! For too long I've seen my ideas turned into profit from companies like KDG, GG&G, Midwest Industries, Magpul, Smith Enterprise Inc and so on. I'm not making anymore concepts available to the public. Too much opportunity has been lost to those with company/financial backers.

    I've got a plethora of valuable ideas for the 2A community and no one to share it with (nor anyone I trust for that matter). If you want to collaborate (whomever you are) then we can discuss business. But for now, Bert is going into selfish mode and IDGAF if that hurts someones feelings.

    Free enterprise my friends.

  6. pretty sure there is, or at least could be engineered much cheaper and easier to install solutions to mount a light to this type of a gun, something that clamps into both, the barrel and magazine tube, very much like some products for mossberg 500's and remington 870 shotguns, that would be nearly as solid solutions like this one here. Because personally, i dont really see the need or value of mounting anything else than a light on the forend of a weapon of this type, but thats just me. Hell, you could just scew a piece of picatinny rail directly on the oem forend, fasten a light to it and call it a day.

  7. Pure, concentrated Awesome Sauce. Henry even endorsed these by showing them off the NRA Pow Wow. As a good lever gun is such a useful tool, there's no sense in limiting its utility because of some goofy nostalgic pining for grandpa's log cabin aesthetics (which there is nothing wrong with, it's just that there is nothing wrong with something different either… railspace is not sacrilege)– lights, optics, slings, hell yeah. A weapon that functions to its maximum potential is by definition bee-yoo-tee-full. 😁 Now, if Henry can just blow all our minds by "modernizing" the loading/reloading system, in a fresh, bold new way… maybe by a revolutionary, um, loading gate 😱 or something. πŸ‘

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