I cover some rules to building an AR 15 Pistol so it is complaint with Federal laws and the ATF.
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And poof, now it's 2018 and pistol braces are adjustable. ATF = Active Taxation Fraud.
i beat you play airsoft hahaha
Easy way to fix this have a private range
Doesn't anyone sell a manufactured pistol? That you do not have to build?
Boring… Informative but Need something to make video more exciting
Why is that cheap tv your number one enemy?
Can you build ak pistol around the law?
Just build you're Firearms properly and legally people and if you do own one use it responsibly don't be a fool and and you won't have any issues or worries cane plug Rifle buffer tube buy the right parts for the right job
What if you cut the pole thing at the back of the gun…
I was gonna put a 12 inch barrel and a pistol brace on my AR haha. Nvm then. What crime are these rules stopping. Dumbest shit ever, feels like Europe or Canada.
Is it ok to build a stripped lower, use a regular collapsible AR-type stock and attach a pistol length upper?
It's dudes like you writing the ATF that has them confused!! Stop writing them!!
Your fking kid is crying. Get your shit together
What are the legalities of making an AR pistol with an 80% receiver? How do you prove that the receiver was intended to be used for a pistol?
With all due respect, I owned a gun shop for years and you will get 10 different answers from 10 different ATF agents, they never gave me a problem and they won't give you a problem either if you have good "intentions", meaning you are not (trying to circumvent the rules for profit) Or you have been warned before and you continue to "do business" as usual or ignore their directive, now making yourself a target for non- compliance. People make the ATF OUT TO be the "Big Bad Wolf", looking to arrest you, put you in prison for 10 years and cast you down to the "sodomites", (prison booty bandits)…Not the case at all.
Honestly every one I ever dealt with was cool as Hell, even the women/ female agents, and honestly as John Doe gun collector or enthusiasts when was the last time the ATF CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, CAR OR PLACE OF BUSINESS WITH A SEARCH WARRANT TO CHECK YOUR SAFE.??
And as far as those (this is legal and this is not letters) you can wipe your Butt with those letters as the agents or supervisors that write those letters have since been fired, transferred, retired etc, and are not actual (revised statues or laws) simply interpretations of what that Agent thinks…all subjective. I was in law enforcement before arms dealing for a living and trust me, you know in your heart of hearts if your doing the right "legal", thing or your trying to be smarter than the average bear and get over without (Rendering on to CEASAR WHAT IS HIS), YES PAYING FOR THE TAX STAMPS TO DO ALL THE CRAZY STUFF YOU WANT TO DO. THEY WILL LET YOU, YOU JUST GOTTA PAY THE PIPER FIRST. GREAT VIDEO THOUGH I appreciate you doing what you do to help others. God Bless and Best Regards, Marcel.
Some of the stuff you said is obsolete now cause you are now able to run a mil-spec buffer tube on a pistol now if you have a sba3 on it … look up sba3 and you will know what I mean.
What if you have a short barrel but a longer stock making the overall length of gun 26 inches or more?
Mine was built as a rifle, can I replace the stock An just keep it buffer tube?
I live in Maryland. Am I allowed to purchase an AR15 Pistol(without the 30 round mag) online and have it transferred to a Maryland FFL for pickup? If you answer YES, please give me a link to where you got your answer from.