Home Nikon OPTICS SHOWDOWN! Nightforce vs Vortex Razor vs Primary Arms ~ Rex Reviews

OPTICS SHOWDOWN! Nightforce vs Vortex Razor vs Primary Arms ~ Rex Reviews


You want the truth!?! Most people can’t handle the TRUTH!!!! In a world of hypersensitivity and adolescent reliance on equipment identity, Rex breaks through the current bandwagons and highly fortified opinion barriers delivering his honest opinions on these highly popular Japanese made optics. Enjoy!

Please see Rex’s commentary for SPECIAL DEALS on all of these optics!

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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.

Song Titles: Magnetic Night and Particle Jam
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation and Vocals by: TiborasaurusRex
Recorded by: TiborasaurusRex

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  1. To get FREE rings and FREE Shipping with your Primary Arms order, use this link:
    Primary Arms Platinum 6-30X56 FFP Scope with ACSS HUD DMR Reticle: http://bit.ly/2EqPzPI
    Primary Arms Platinum 6-30X56 FFP Scope with DEKA MIL Reticle: http://bit.ly/2DR46HK

    Nightforce ATACR and BEAST scopes: https://shop.opticsplanet.com/nightforce-riflescopes.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA-9rTBRBNEiwAt0ZnwyM9rQwWdQXVnSzHXwhrQJ_W97plK-WmK8fPqD9t4d-yFj5AumyGVBoCBqsQAvD_BwE
    Use code "Rex5" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanet.com order

    Vortex Razor HD Gen II: http://www.primaryarms.com/vortex-razor-hd-gen-ii-4-5-27x56mm-ffp-ebr-2c-moa-reticle-34mm-tube-rzr-42705

  2. Vortex now makes the Razor AMG 6 – 21 x 50 (30 mm tube) which is ENTIRELy MADE in USA with the exception of the German made "Christmas tree" EBR reticle. (Very much like an H59 reticle, my 1st choice)

    The AMG uses a 30 mm tube B/C the new Vortex AMG gimbal for the reticle lens takes up much less space than standard style gimbals and thus leaves more room for adjustment. Using a 30 mm main tube helps keep weight down, as does the shrink-fit turret cogs with steel teeth fit inside the aluminum housing. The best of both worlds, steel durability and aluminum light weight.

    The AMG weighs 28 oz., a light scope for this zoom range and quality level.
    Eric B.

  3. The NF ATACR is not $3000 you can look on optics planet right now and they are right at 2600 so maybe you were adding in rings with that just saying. Also everyone of the NF scopes is checked and impact tested in the USA at the Idaho factory can’t say on the others tho

  4. I bought a 5000 dollar gun so I can only afford a 500 yrd scope I'm thinking the vortex viper 4x16x50 what to you suggest my wallet can only afford around 500 to 700 for now till next year forgot to mention I shooting with experts for the first time Sunday pretty nervous

  5. All right, this might have been said already but I not going scroll through to find it. GET OVER YOURSELF. The rifle scope is about so much more than the glass. Since the glass is Japanese, the the scope is Japanese or since the glass is Asian all scopes not made is Europe are Asian. That is bullshit and you know it. There are 4 or more pieces of glass in a scope. Take the glass, hold it up and space it out and look through it. Hard to do, huh? The quality of the parts and precision of the design and manufacture, in addition to the glass, is what makes a quality scope. Random pieces of glass, no matter how awesome, are just that…random pieces of glass and not a rifle scope. All right…I feel better now. Carry on….

  6. Sounds consistent with the info out there. See if you confirm: A little improvement in glass usually costs much more. So the PA glass was darker but costs significantly less. Check. The Vortex and NF might even use the same glass but the Vortex QC is worse and they cost less. That's logical. Check. I've also heard that while Vortex and others will offer a lifetime+ warranty (mostly for marketing), the guys who don't say that they put their money in the scope the first time. They say if someone is offering a lifetime warranty then they're building into the price the replacement cost. So, maybe your quality isn't $2000 to start. Maybe it's only $1600 because the $400 is reserve for replacing the occasional scope. Meanwhile the $3000 scope is all $3000 of quality, but you may have to pay in the future if something breaks. I also wonder if maybe PA takes stuff that doesn't make the cut elsewhere. Imagine the marketing to say "we use the same factory and even the same glass as NF." But what they don't tell you is that they're buying the NF rejects. So the glass is good, but not up to NF standards. They buy the "seconds" for a fraction of the price and make a pretty good scope with them. And for many people, that's fine. But, like you said, so many people want cheap and it costs their ass later. I had a customer come in with an old 30-06 with a Simmons scope. He asked me to sight it in. Couldn't hit 6" in 100yds. Turns out the wire reticle was floating around. He bought a Nikon Prostaff to replace it. He then tells me, "maybe that why I haven't been able to harvest a deer in the last 4 hunting seasons." WOW! A shit scope cost you four years of hunting success.

  7. Ever since YouTube demonetized Arms channels you can’t get a definitive up or down on any product. Instead you get – “they are all good in their own way.” Geez – I could have said that and never watched the video. Oh well can’t fault a guy for trying to earn a living…

  8. I've been shooting the PA Platinum scope for Precision Rifle comps with a 6.5 grendel, and it's been awesome. Great glass and the bullets work with the holds out to 600 using a zero that's about 3/4inch high. Turret tracking is spot on.

  9. Look at the damn camera not your buddy! Tell your buddy not to "henpeck" with his head while you talk. Also, don't ramble so muc on intro. Take a course in public presentation. Good rhythm. Some babble on other sites are hard to follow.

  10. Its too bad the Vortex didn't hold its own, I really want to like the optic, features are great and the price point is good. With an optic that I may need to defend my life with i dont want too have an optic with hit and miss reliability and a good warranty. In fact i dont want to ever have to use the warranty, I just want it to work right the first time. Too bad. Guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for a 2nd hand ATACR F1….

  11. Vortex is literal Chinese trash. Leupold should be in this mix instead of vortex or primary arms. Yea, leupold uses Chinese components, but they are a great value these days and still get military contracts.

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