PROBLEMS WITH THIS KIT. If you have a Hammer with notch, then I am being told this kit will not work properly. If you want to replace your Hammer with a Rounded hammer, then you need to know there are large pin or small pin hammers.. Finding a large pin rounded hammer is very difficult. I have not found one yet. So my CMMG kit has been rendered useless for now. Problems with the notched hammer are FTF, FT Fire, and Slam Firing / Fully Auto which is very dangerous. CMMG was nice to send me a rounded hammer on their Dime, but pin hole is too small. so.. I am stuck !! If I ever get the problem resolved, I will up date this Video. 17JAN17.

I never shouted all that stuff either. I said "need a mag". Lol
Buy a new trigger. You will get the correct pins. Some of Colts stuff won't mix with aftermarket stuff.
It's not a clip!!!! It's a Magazine!!!!
Don't know if you figured this out yet or not but judging by the appearance of your rifle it looks to be an old model those had different trigger group pin sizes. Your two options (minus buying a whole new lower) would be to look for an old model rounded trigger or drill. You can get a fully assembled psa lower for around $100 that is more than likely the best route though.
These kits work great with the RRA 2 stage !
buy the bit and drill man
Did you end up putting it in the Bushmaster?
I have notched hammer on my Colt. I had no issues with my notched hammer using the CMMG .22LR Conversion kit
CMMG should make a disclaimer about this problem to keep Colt AR-15 owners from having this issue.
I wish I saw this video. I just got mine and I have encountered double-fired. i don't have a notched hammer.
is your firing pin spring missing. or sticking