I want to thank Savage for sending me this rifle for a review. I can’t wait to take it to Wyoming with Mossy Oak.
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What weight is the trigger pull?
22 plinkster- have you had any issues with this gun in terms of it feeding properly? Say, after shooting it for a while, and it's a little dirty, does it start failing to feed?
You honestly suck at shooting. You can clearly see your erratic trigger pull and inconsistent form. This rifle CAN and WILL shoot better than your poor shooting mechanics .
Vista Outdoors much?
If you want tack driving accuracy out of a Savage, hand load for it.
Is it just me or is it not bothering anyone else how fast he's releasing his trigger after firing….? Trigger reset much??
I been interested in this MSR rifle for a while but im not sure, not impressed at all after your video!! I knows there's many scenarios when shooting even one gun to another or the same gun as the other but I can report that my Ruger Precision Rifle (yes I know its a bolt gun) anyhow in 308 I get moa & sub moa all day any day at 100-500 yards easily . No Break in whatsoever from the first shot to this very day its moa/sub moa all day!! I guess ill keep hunting AR10s in 6.5 & see what I can find!! Nut N Fancy swears by the DB AR10 6.5 so who knows!!
Try the ELD-X. A 6.5CM upper is next on my list, I'm already squirreling away ammo for it.
pkster your a savage m8 lol trolling him ro the point of were he has tears if he done summink stupid toul fell bad m8
the 6.5 will fade away like all the other fads now n then. funny to listen to the fanboyz go nuts over it tho
well frick all you… my mosin gets 1/2 moa at 1000 yards every day…..
I'd rather a .260 remington
Bullets that leave the barrel unstable don't stabilize in flight. That is an old school myth that has been spread around forever.
308 is best!! 6.5 throw the barrel away after 1500 rounds .
Sorry, but being a Youtube content provider does NOT make you an expert! It is IMPOSSIBLE for a projectiles deviation "poa/poi to "decrease" with distance, period! 1" at 100yds will NOT translate to 2" at 400yds. It WILL be linear as in 1"/100, 4"/400 etc. as long as the projectile does not become unstable, or go transonic, which would increase the deviation. Contrary to the internet, no one has yet developed a "magic" bullet!
wow that's heavy trigger after hearing how heavy that thing was I think you shot really good two or three pound trigger would greatly improve your shooting
sometimes you need to shoot two or three groups to get it to work good
I agree I would dump that trigger! It really kills me in this day and age with these major companies dumping AR-15, AR-10 platforms on us. Whether they're chambered in 308 or 6.5 Creedmoor or 223 for that matter. My point is stock guns just do not come with nice triggers. There's a few but for the most part they don't come with decent triggers at all. When I first got into AR-15 I was always trying to save a buck or not opening my triggers. So I would polish my Seer and put JP Enterprise Springs in. That would at least give me a lighter trigger pull in about 3.5lbs.. but it just wasn't crisp and there were still a lot of take up and over travel.. now I love my Geissele 3 gun in my Hyperfire Eclipse.. and I think I'm going to order either the Franklin Armory or Fostech binary trigger this week… I was going to hold off an order one later just for having fun but with the NRA getting the ATF to revisit bump fire stocks, there might be a huge backlash into all these triggers. There are any Banning bump fire stocks in certain States which is violating our amendment rights. They're taking them without any kind of compensation whatsoever. But that's a whole nother video. Anyways great review thank you for the update on this phone as I've been looking to purchase one. It's always a pleasure watching your videos
omfg , take my money
Thanks for the vid, I own a bolt action in 6.5 and considering a semi
Can you buy one gun and switch the barrels will it still work like say if I bought the 308 can I put the 6.5 Barrel on there and use the same Gunn
2nd grouping, 4th round hit the target under the 1st round. Grouping did not travel vertical.
You are a great shot , so don't sweat the second target so much. I have been target shooting for 35 years and I can say with certainty that every gun is a little different. Some will do well with one type of ammo and not so good with others. Savage makes a great rifle, so it is just a matter of finding that perfect cartridge your rifle likes. Looks to me that you are getting off easy, because your gun likes the cheap stuff:) I say go with it and have fun. No one should question your skill as a shooter. I like the rifle, I am thinking of that caliber or 6.8 SPC, so thanks for doing a video on one of them.
gotta hold down the trigger longer until the recoil is totally finished. its not a 22, get a lighter trigger too. that will make a big difference. 2 1/2 to 3 lb trigger is perfect
Which lower parts kits are compatible with this rifle? I want to do an ambi safety and maybe upgrade the trigger.
Federal Premium is a solid supporter for the shooting enthusiast community. Savage and Federal are under the same parent company. Federal really stepped up their support for the 6.5 Creedmoor recently and I am also really excited for the .224 Valkyrie.
hunting without ear pro. You have to be kidding me. I love your videos but I can't imagine shooting a rifle without ear pro.
$1500 rifle can't even shoot 1 MOA?
your base move all over, practice with a bi-pod and a sandbag under the stock and you will get groups under 1"
Broken in? That's only 100 years with match ammunition off a lead sled. Honestly, I get that kind of group with a CZ .22lr at 100 yards. At least it has a taste for less expensive ammunition.
I'm sorry bud, but you can't shoot worth a damn. That rifle is capable of much better accuracy.
I wish you would have shot the 308 towards the end of the video to see how it would have compared to the 6.5.
When youre .22 plinkster and a hispter so you buy the rare 6.5 creedmoor even though its nearly the same as .308 and has no advantages
Rock solid on every shot? Second Group – First shot: highest at 1:00 O'Clock, Second shot: 3rd highest, Third Shot: 12O'Clock right above bulls eye, Fourth Shot: 4th highest at 1:00 O'Clock, Fifth Shot:damn near a bulls eye. All over the place. It would be interesting to see what you do with this same ammo at 300 yards.
"I can't wait to take it hunting" … say itt again, I don't think 5 times was enough… yawn …