This is the gun used in the deadliest shooting in US history – the AR-15 rifle.
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CNN is so far left they are loosing money hand over fist lol
It is a great gun , but need more control , keep out of the hands people that are going to go on mass killing spree
All military grade weapons are banned or require extensive permits. Ar-15's are civillian-grade
You got the gun wrong. But you are fake news.
Kill yourselves so someone else doesn't have to.
it is one of the most popular rifles in america, therefor why is it surprising that the most popular rifle was used often in mass shootings. if a bunch of mass shootings were committed with fs 2000's then that would be an odd and significant statistic
I HAVE AN IDEA! How about you make a new video about a feminist using the same style of video to make them appear scary and say they need to be banned. PS- I'm watching this video right next to my Bushmaster AR-15 and she says this video offended her and she needs a safe space, so I put her back in the gun safe.
The firearm used in the shooting was a sig sauer mcx which is combat rifle used by military and police. USE THE ACTUAL DATA
you fucks are so stupid, like dear god why do exist, i hate the fact that i share this world with you people, but apparently any gun thats held with 2 hands is considered an AR-15 in your pathetically blind eyes.
fuk this shit i try to learn what gun was used by the hightly skilled wako homophobe and then i find out the actual gun in the comments and not the video cause it was a lie fuk this shit fuk ban fuk you
lol it wasn't even an AR that he used. It was a Sig MCX!
He never used an AR15 dumb fuck he used another type of gun
This video is false the shooter used a sig sauer mpx the media doesn't want you to think that because ar15s are "evil" what a joke
Propaganda video. All lies no facts.
Actually, the M1875 was the gun used in the deadliest shooting in US history. AR-15s didn't even exist in 1890.
What will the libtards do if there is another terrorist attack, but with a bomb instead of gun, and they hit another gay bar and the terrorist is a Muslim shouting "Alah is great"? They can't blame guns, and they will not have the balls to blame Islamo extremists. They will not even DARE to say the Muslim was a homophobe They will probably say it was an "isolated incident" and we were not compassionate enough to ISIS. Liberals are really sick in the head.
Those cocksucking liberal Democrats who want to protect Islamo terrorists and bring more into the U.S., but want to disarm law abiding American citizens! FUCK THEM AND THEY CAN DROP DEAD!
not the deadliest not even close
We can go ahead and blame a inanimate object no matter what it is if we wish to b ignorant about it. These ISIS supporters will use a pressure cooker if they need to. the question is how do we stop these people.
Blatant misinformation. A SIG SAUER MCX Rifle was used, not an AR-15.
Not really he used a Sig Sauer MCX.
The gun the Orlando shooter used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15. That doesn’t change much.