Aaron goes over the newest Gcode Scorpion magazine pouches and their Operator belt system.
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Man I really like your intelligent and articulate delivery of actual useful information for non-beginner shooters.
I purchased the operator belt and both pistol / rifle scorpion pouch … simply amazing kit
Looks good! Imma buy 6 of these and 6 of the HSGI Tacos. When in doubt, just buy them both!
Good product, but the customer service at G-Code SUCKS. You can't get them on the phone and the don't reply to emails. If you're buying the product, don't buy direct. Terrible experience.
would a streamlight 1L fit in the pistol pouch??
Now they need to make an extended version so I can use it for my flashlight and baton.
Hi Aaron, would you be able to show us on how you set up your contact series operator belt as a lefty? I just purchased this belt too. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Off topic, do you typically strip your AR mags when you reload?
I love my scorpion soft shells and operator belt. Been through 2, 2 days classes with it and had zero issues. My favorite part though is watching everyone look on with envy as I easily don and doff the outer belt while they're all wrestling with their systems haha
Way to many moving parts screws what the fuck not. Compared to Taco pouches these are 4 times the weight. Also design it to complex and unrepairable on the field if they break on you.
Do you think the inner belt is strong enough for a stand alone concealed carry belt?
wear the gear you review! we want to see that… thanks for the vid tho
Good video man, just a question, its compatible with shotgun mags?
What size of pant are you and what size of belt is comparable?
My biggest concern for any open top pouch is how well it retains the magazine while prone- especially during IMTs (Individual Movement Technique/ Bounding) where you’re sprinting for 3-5 seconds then throwing yourself to the ground and into the prone position. Because of that ignorance/ fear, I still prefer to use the old fashioned flapped pouches. If you have any insight as to this topic, it would be greatly appreciated.
+SageDynamics Just picked up this system, only thing I'm not a fan of is the lack of hook and loop in the very front of the belt near the buckle system. I have a good 4-5 inches in the front where the outer belt is unable to attach to the inner belt. Did you experience this issue, and if so how did you overcome it?
Im a fan of G-Code but I bought the operator's belt when they first released it and it's about as stiff as a cooked noodle. For half the price I got a 2" duty belt from SOE that'll embarrass G-Code's belt.
That belt system looks a little wobbly. How would you say it holds up over a 10 or 12hour rifle class? Do you think its sturdy enough to not flop around and get annoying after all those hours? Thx for any tips or info!
Where did you buy that ammo bag?
Can't ! Stand lefties!
@sagedynamics how do you like the belt system and how was your sizing done? Thank you.
people / paper hilarious.
Nice hat who makes it
What belt you use for edc?
This is a great system, I use it for my Glock 21 extended magazines. However do not buy the pistol mag, but the rifle mag it will accommodate 2 magazines for $1 more than the pistol magazine pouch.If you take one out the other magazine is tight, even with 26 rounds, inverted and bouncing around the terrain. Excellent product, I would put this up against any other system.
You should look at the emdom soft ammo can….shits on those little ones
You know .. if my guys were wasting ammo like this, they'd be off my squad.
So a fanny pack.
Great technical review, I'm sold. Keep up the great work.
I wanted to get your input or your opinion between something like the g code belt you talked about here and the high speed gear battle belt. I know they are two different kinds of belts, but I thought I would ask in your opinion the pros and cons of either and if you had the choice between the two which one you would choose.
best review out there
how the ef do you undo the R2 clips
Ok, here it comes…G Code Scorpion or the HSGI Tacos pouches? I'm looking to add three AR-15 pouches onto my plate carrier…would like your thoughts.
Rifle right hand
Pistol left
What was the lead time for your belt?
dude, I love your shirt!. link?
No, for real, I'm with Brett, where did you get that shirt???
the soft she'll because they fit my .308 pmag AND my saiga12 mags! a game changer for sure
Thanks brother for the info. I like it.
can I use the inner belt as an everyday carry belt?